YouTube Bans Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes

1  2018-12-10 by beavvv


Fred Perry shirt wearing faggot.

Those shirts with the little zipper? Don't dismiss them outright. They look pretty good on men of normal build. Better than some gaudy t-shirt or sports rubbish anyway.

Thanks for the fashion tips fog eater. Go boil your food and convert to Islam. Cheers Guv.


Just curious. Was it "rubbish" that gave it away?

Of course

Noam Chumpsky on da case

He's wrong on both counts, but let him think what he wants.

no one cares

He'll be forced to return to compound media at this rate, that place is the last bastion of hate and we need it's bank accounts frozen.

we need it's bank accounts frozen.

I'm not sure I'm all-in with this. We need some form of content to mock. But I'm open to being convinced...

How's this for a persuasive argument: I hope you die today.

agreeing with me, is not persuasive.

I'd actually re-sub if he did. The old show was great. He'd have everyone from White Nationalist to gay lefty comedians on.

I've only discovered those shows recently, they were ok!

If you hear an Aussie calling in it could be me. Although he got super pissed at me when I ended a call with 'Hitler Did Nothing wrong' and they edited it out of the show. So sensitive!

I'd like to hear more. Please list yer faves from nah to awthum

He’d have everything from his finger to a dildo jammed up his asshole!

Oof. That was a low point.

I'd actually re-sub if he did.

It was the only watchable show on the platform. I don't know about another $12/month, though.

both channels I don't follow are visible on my youtube.

according to porsalin buttplugs are like alt accounts - 'we've all got 'em'.

That issue aside, this free speech stuff is getting dangerous, I might need to stop throwing-up & start throwing-down.

10 years ago he used to make pretty funny videos, like "how to fight a baby" and "fuck the american mustache institute"

All deleted now. Fucking censor-happy assholes.

Yeah his funny stuff could be really good. 'What Would Happen If Guys Ran Fashion' was fucking great.

Was it?

Let me guess: lol dudes would just wear football jerseys and mesh shorts because they're comfy! And the women (ewwww) would all be required to wear scoop neck midriffs and booty shorts because I AM A HETEROSEXUAL MALE!!! Now watched me inhale this dildo.

Kind of close but they wear singlets without underwear and they keep mistaking this real model for a boy and asking 'him' if he plays basketball. It's funny though look it up.

Hmm.. I can't find seem to find "Gavin MahGuinness" on YouTube... can you provide a link, mister?

That's because it's "Gavin MuhGuiness"

You sure it's not "Havin MuhGuinness"?

Get it, because he's an alcoholic who got into a DUI with his brick-faced wife in the car?

You stupid hypocritical faggot. You made 5 different beefers posts in this sub just this year. And you of all people are going to whine about shitty macho bullshit?

You can call me a stupid hypocritical faggot about a lot of things, but you don't have to lie about beefer posts to make that point. I posted once ever last week in the midst of the sag vs substance debate. That is all. And yes, they are fucking glorious.

Non ironic beefer posters get the rope.

We still have his Kenny vs Spenny

He is brought onto the show to be a cool expert. Isn't he supposed to be this punk rock guy that would never judge two faggots on what they were wearing?

That bitch just had to stay away after Charlottesville and then say he moved on a little after and he'd be fine right now. But like Vice and that AD agency his drunk ass just cant stay away.


He's also banned from Twitter and PayPal. Hopefully Bank of America closes all of his accounts and AT&T cancels his phone service. I'd also like to see Time Warner terminate his internet connection.

I hope your mom cancels your allowance and your Internet connection so you can't jack off when you're grounded.

Please don't! I take it back. I take it back.

I hope you cancel your life, faggot.

Reported to your bank. Enjoy a checkless life, mate.

Aye nye

Yeah mate y'olde matey m8 eh mate. Jesus Christ.

Calm down, lad.

ANTIFA faggot get the fuck out this sub

Dude if I were antifa I would tell you.

If it was really for copyright infringement I hope he contests it and gets his channel back. I'm so sick of being told Gavin's a fucking Nazi. He was right when he said it's not good enough to simply disavow Nazism anymore. You can get fucked for not disavowing Nazism hard enough.

Yes. Also, it just doesn't matter and one shouldn't be wasting their time disavowing. It makes everyone to your right hate you and the left will NEVER care and still call you it anyway.

I've found myself getting into Joe Cumia tier back and forths on Facebook trying to explain how fucking retarded it is for a group (proud boys) that has several black, arab, asian, and jewish members to be labeled a white supremacist nazi group. There's even Proud Boys Israel. But they don't care. "UM, SWEATY, THEY'RE LITERAL NAZIS, SORRY NOT SORRY. MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, YOU COULD GET BETTER POLITICAL VIEWS." I've stopped trying to reason with them. Anyone right of Stalin politically = literal Hitler to them.

I've made this rule where if people's argument against you is that you're morally evil there's just no point. All these terms are just words for heresy/moral perversion. It's a very religious type of thinking -- not to mention a form of ad hominem. You can't reason with them. You can't bargain with them.

Evangelical Progressivism.

You can't reason with them. You can't bargain with them.

He will own you

own you

unironically defending the proud boys

you try telling the lefty's you're gay?


Shut up fag.

Ok ya that’s pretty gay...

These guys don't look like nazis.

It's fun to mock Joe because he's hilariously awful at debating or attempting to sound smart but a lot of his talking points are valid and similar to many of ours. I just can't wait to kill commies.

Does not being white preclude you from being a racist or white nationalist? Milo made(had) a career on being the the gay guy who spoke out about those “crazy gays”. If we gave gays rights they’ll be fucking children 24/7 in the streets.


Harsh. Why is this person giving you shit about being a fatass?

Dante Nero must get up every day and wonder when he's going to lose his job. I kinda feel bad for him, he's had the same Comcast gig for decades now.

Yeah but it doesn't help that a bunch of the members of his club are Nazis.

I'm pretty sure the NSDAP ceased to exist in 1945. Even if they were you are a Joe Cumia tier IQlet if you think real nazi's are running around meanwhile you have an entire political establishment who traffics and fucks kids, flood their own country with drugs to fund clandestine operations, think everyone should have a sex change and ass fuck and remove all borders so the population just blends together and becomes one easy to control group. Nope, gotta have a boogeyman to focus everyone's attention on.

Well then you should probably not post videos of the skinhead Nazi Proud Boys walking hand-in-hand with literal neo-Nazis in proud defiant rejection of "SJW cuckery" in an attempt to "unite the right".

Sure, the "U-U-Uhuru" who "always venerate" the "entrepreneur" were some lame, bored, generic Arizona State white guys. But there are videos of guys in Fred Perry polo with Luftwaffe patched jackets chanting Uhuru.

No one cares.

Oh no, no, no.. on the contrary: A LOT of people care.. which is why Gavin has been targeted and harassed for years and the Proud Boys were labeled an extremist hate group!! Silly cow.


Sit on a can of pringles

I don't pleasure my anus with replica phalli for the pleasure of a mostly male audience only to claim I'm hetero.

That's your hero, Gavin.

We get it, you're a faggot.

You can find me venerating any and all entrepreneurs under the Pulaski Skyway every night.

Yeah there's probably a few Nazi firefighters too so fuck firefighters.

The difference is firefighters don't show up protesting in favor of the Confederacy, chanting "the Jews will not replace us". Nor do they cry "UNFAIR!" when people say the Paducah, KY Fire Department is full of Nazis because several members are on video wearing their PKYFD uniforms with Wehrmacht badges saying "WE ARE MEMBERS OF THE PKYFD AND WE HATE NIGGERS AND KIKES".

They didn't say "the Jews will not replace us" it was "you will not replace us," which to be fair was in response to many leftists protestors chanting and holding signs reading "we will replace you."

It sounds like they are still saying "you," but I guess you're one of those people who really respect and value Vice reporting.

For about a year or two, I defended Gavin because The Proud Boys thing started out as a joke. But at some point the dude has to take personal responsibility. Like, what the fuck did he think was going to happen when he started a club on a network that was founded by a guy that got fired for his racist views who collects Nazi memorabilia? Did he think that was going to turn out swell?

The dude that directed the "Andrew Dice Clay" movie talks about this same phenomenon:

When he first got involved with the movie, Andrew Dice Clay was a satire of dumb guys from New Jersey. But by the time he wrapped the movie, Dice was doing Dice 24x7, and his audience had completely changed. It went from people laughing at Dice to people cheering Dice.

Found the interview I referred to :

"One of Ford Fairlane’s screenwriters, Daniel Waters (who had previously written the great high school satire Heathers) wasn’t familiar with Clay before working on the film, so he went to see him do his Diceman act. “I watch him perform in this small bar and I thought he was great,” Waters later said. “I thought he was brilliant. … [He was] making fun of a macho asshole. This [movie] is going to be funny because I’m making fun of those kind of characters. Then, unfortunately, he became too popular while the movie was being made. Instead of what I thought was a parody of a macho asshole, he actually became a macho asshole.”

The tide turned quickly on that asshole. The following year, his concert film Dice Rules made less than $1 million, inspiring one of Roger Ebert’s few zero-stars review. “Andrew Dice Clay comes billed as a comedian, but does not get one laugh from me in the 87 minutes of this film,” the late critic wrote. “I do not find it amusing to watch someone mock human affliction, and I don’t find it funny, either, for him to use his fear of women as a subject for humor.” An act or not, audiences tired of the Diceman, and Clay drifted into obscurity. He still put out concert albums, and he even tried his hand at a sitcom, 1995’s Bless This House, but Dice became a relic of a cruder, less-enlightened age, his toxic persona swept away by cleaner, wryer comics like Jerry Seinfeld — not to mention more feminist rock bands like Nirvana and Bikini Kill."

The "Dice" character is so interesting to me. There's a video of him from 1981 doing standup where he's doing the character but it's not turned up to 11 yet and there's so much more emphasis on actual joke writing. There's even a little bit of self-deprecation in there. By the time 1989 came around with The Diceman Cometh he was so far up his own ass it's insane. All subtlety has been thrown out the window and his act is basically indistinguishable from Ant's ridiculously over-the-top impression of him. Most of the special is just a celebration of his own bits - doing things the audience is so familiar with that they all in unison say the punchline along with him, then he stands back and lets them clap and cheer for him. It's fucking creepy. His entire audience looks like a gang of pedophiles and rapists too.

He got absolutely huge doing that type of crap so I can't really blame him, but it was always destined to have an extremely short lifespan and thank god for that. But the fact that at some point he started doing the character full time and that's just how he actually lives his life is absolutely absurd.

Most of this could be used to describe Chip by the way.

This is why the Sacha Baron Cohen interview on Marc Maron is one of my favorites of all time.

In the interview, Cohen made it really clear that it was incredibly tempting to keep pushing things further and further, but he had to reel it in or someone was going to get killed.

I don't think it's a coincidence that Gavin and Cumia and Dice all have substance abuse problems. It's gotta be a rush to get in a street fight on camera in New York City. But when you're getting fired from your job for the sixth time, you gotta stop and wonder if you're addicted to the adrenaline rush.

It's why I think that Gavin is a fraud; he believes what he's saying about as much as Borat believes that his sister is Kazakhstan's #2 prostitute. It's a bit.

Tell us about how blacks are more likely to commit crime you stupid faggot. I can hear your teeth chomp from here

Because I think gavin's funny and not a nazi I'm colin fagerty? Go fuck your mother.

If it was really for copyright infringement I hope he contests it and gets his channel back.

-Blaze TV buys CRTV

-Blaze TV owns CRTV assets and video.

-Any agreements Gavin had about use on his own channel are null and voice.

-Blaze TV mass claims Gavin's videos. Totally legal, though scummy as shit. (Anthony Cumia could have legally done the same thing since the videos from compound media are the property of compound media.)

-Gavin is gone.

Pardon my French sir but you're a real party pooper.

McInnes’ channel was deleted for copyright infringement, according to a statement on the page.

What a pathetic cop out.

This was Glenn Beck:

Beck hasn't been relevant in ten years. His company was burning through money and he was laying people off. CRTV agreed to a merger; this would combine Beck's Boomer audience with CRTV's younger audience.

Once the merger was announced, CRTV cut ties with McInnes and scrubbed all his videos off of their website and YT.

Then they hit Gavin with copyright infringement; though it was Gavin's channel, it was THEIR content.

This would be the equivalent of Anthony Cumia filing a copyright infringement if Gavin posted one of his podcasts on Gavin's own channel. (Because Cumia owns the content.)

TLDR: this is a scummy move on Beck's part, but it's a legitimate copyright complaint.

Not entirely, though. The article also says that YouTube itself has banned Gavin period, regardless of media company.

Get your facts right, faggot.

I'm kidding. Have a nice day.

The article also says that YouTube itself has banned Gavin period

It says it was banned for copyright infringement.

McInnes’ channel was deleted for copyright infringement, according to a statement on the page.

I like being in a place where everybody hates Glenn Beck with fresh vigor.

this is a scummy hilarious move on Beck's part

Beck really motherfucked him. I wonder how many people in the media hate Gavin now? Marc Maron and Jim Norton were early on the hate train. To this day, it's the only WTF podcast that Maron has refused to air.

Last time I heard Glenn Beck he was shilling some Hall of Horrors medieval torture tour that he must have gotten cheap from a defunct carnival. He spun it like "You need to see what happens when we don't have individual rights". I wish I could find a link because it was so odd.

Exactly what the alt-right and conservatives want!

But long term, are we even pro free speech?

No, of course not! But we have to use this platform.

“We’re losing a lot of people because of the Internet,” Trump said. “We have to see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what’s happening. We have to talk to them about, maybe in certain areas, closing that Internet up in some way.”

“Somebody will say, ‘Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech,'” he added, dismissing the objection with an arm wave. “These are foolish people.”

Still don't know who he is...

Wow, they've basically 86'd him from the internet. Is he still allowed to have an email account? I wonder if he would go back 10 years and do a few things different if he could haha

So his video about graffiti is gone too? Weird since the whole "FBI calling Proud Boys a hate group" thing was exposed as a lie.

This is what you get if you piss of the jews, i guess?

He opened his asshole wide for the Israel issue for the better part of this whole year, guess its not enough. At least we all know: dont even bother pretending to like Jews.

Time to start regulating this shit like a utility. This is just stupid. Gavin spends half his time explaining how 'totally not racist' he is and turns out Proud Boys were never actually on that FBI list of extremist groups.

And if the Cumia brothers are any proof, anyone who spends a lot of time denying racism is definitely not a racist.

Of course the denial doesn't make it not true but actions speak louder than words and he's married to an Indian, he's employed dozens of minorities and makes a point of kicking 'Nazis' out of his club. I couldn't care less either way -- being a racist myself -- but this is not the life racists live.

Fucking a minority or having them work for you, also fantastic evidence towards someone not being a racist.

It kinda is.

How do you figure? Employers can't be racist? You can't be married to a minority and hate different minorities? I've heard that having a black friend also means you can't be racist, confirm or deny.


Yeah having a minority wife, raising minority children, paying minorities for jobs and giving them career opportunities, experience and advice is totally not evidence one isn't 'racist' whatever the fuck that means. STFU.

Being married to an Indian woman has nothing to do with how he feels about black people, and you can be in a position of power over a group of people and still think they're less than you because of their race. I'm not saying those things mean he's a racist, but you're using the "I have a black friend!" argument.

On the other hand, people who find racism in everything are also definitely not racist.

It's way too easy to disseminate a podcast or a video to argue that youtube is a utility just because it's the most convenient and popular outlet. If ISPs were banning him it'd be different because you cant just launch your own the same way you can just host a video on a website for relatively little effort or cost.

If you are banned on youtube, fb and twitter you are basically silenced.

you can just host a video on a website for relatively little effort or cost.

And then get closed down like gab or have your search results rigged by google to kill your exposure.

The google thing is trickier since it's a giant business to rig the results positively anyway- if someone challenged that as unconstitutional it would detonate the whole SEM/SEO industry.

But no, your right to free speech doesnt guarantee you popularity or profitability. You are basically silenced because your audience isn't going to follow you, not because you dont have other outlets. Its not fair but it's not required to be and it's a far cry from a utility that the government should run. The stakes would have to justify the scope of such a monumental reaction.

I think the big social media companies should be investigated for breaches of antitrust laws, it's looks very likely they've been censoring right wingers.

In what specific regard do you think they could be prosecuted under antitrust law?

Bills are being/have been drafted at state and federal levels, google it son.

Could you expound on it though like a person having a conversation instead of two autistics who would rather look at their computers?


What does that mean?

Kiss Your Sister

Where do you think you are?

We get it, you're a faggot.

That or do people just repeat shit they've heard without having much of an understanding of it or even a point of view?


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or your DNS provider banning you for "hate speech"

or your online payment services halted because of "hate speech"

If you're a fucking racist asshole AND inciting violence you fully deserve to be silenced.

Fuck McInnes.

If you are, sure. If. If

I guess we should shut down compound media, wrap it up close down the sub and only laugh at appropriate network sitcoms or when comedians make fun of white men.

There's always that duck duck goose shit that has ads all over Reddit every two seconds.

It's shit for porn

No, it's not. There are plenty of platforms he can post to because the Internet enables monopolistic competition. Regulation of utilities is only to prevent actual monopoly, stupid.

the Internet enables monopolistic competition.

It really doesn't in my opinion. Any industry could -- just build your own phone lines! -- but the point isn't whether it does or not the point is how it actually functions and Google, Facebook and many other key sites are effective monopolies. They're the new public space and they need to be treated as such.

With respect, then your opinion is utterly and entirely stupid.

There's a chasm of difference between "there are multiple search engines and social media sites, it's just that 95% of users prefers to use these" and "these are literally the only show in town".

Also a canyon of difference between "write some code" and "buy hundreds of millions of construction equipment to build hundreds of thousands of miles of infrastructure".

Yeah that makes sense

You sound like that one dude, God, who gave out freewill then says if you don't do what I say you'll burn in hell (obscurity).

I'm utterly baffled while everyone else is sucking Gavin's dick today. He got cucked and silenced by another media partner.. again. Why the fuck do we care that he makes HORRIBLE business decisions?

If I introduce myself as "Hi, my name is Shittinonniggers and I love shittin' on niggers." and three years later go, "nooo.. I don't love shittin' on niggers.. that was a misunderstanding! Here is a list of niggers I've only pissed on. That video of me introducing myself was taking out of context"... would you believe former or present me? Especially if I lost a ton of money and influence in the process?

Leave the sub faggot.



live leak


you're just mad Gavin's not at the cool kids table

you're not OBLIGATED to have a youtube channel

No I'm way more upset that people way to the right of Gavin don't have a seat at the 'cool kids table' but the fact remains that Google owns Youtube and Google couldn't exist without government research, development and infrastructure therefore, ethically speaking, the government would be well within its rights to enforce rules upon it. These companies have no problems hosting pedophile shit, ISIS and many other egregious faggotry. I'm not saying they should but many of the people they ban are simply guilty of saying things their hierarchy doesn't like. That's unacceptable.

All this bitching about Youtube is pointless. Youtube only cares about what their advertisers tell them to care about. They pull content that advertisers tell them they don't want adjacent to their ads. Coca-Cola dosen't want their ads next to a guy telling people to "strangle trannies", etc. Youtube is not going to adopt your standards if it will cause them to lose all their major advertisers and go out of business.

You could have the government force those rules on them, but they would just shutdown or go out of business. You could have the government break Youtube into ten smaller Youtubes, but they would all still have to remove "copyright infringers" and content objectionable to advertisers.

You could have the government force those rules on them, but they would just shutdown or go out of business.

I disagree. Companies don't actually have morals they have interests and the 'nastier' elements get millions of views. Hell even PewDiePie is getting shit now for liking an 'anti semitic and racist' content creator. Truth is none of this outrage matters to anyone but a loud minority and advertisement agencies really just want a lot of eyeballs on their ads.

Google's bad week: YouTube loses millions as advertising row reaches US

Major brands including Verizon and Walmart pulled their ads after they were found to be appearing next to videos promoting extremist views or hate speech

YouTube is facing a full-scale advertising boycott over hate speech

More companies are pulling advertising from YouTube over Google’s inability to ensure ads won’t appear next to hateful and offensive content. The Wall Street Journal reports that YouTube videos centered around racist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic views are still scooping up ads from brands like Coca-Cola,, and Microsoft. This is even after reports last week exposed the issue and led to mass advertising boycotts in the UK and now the US, prompting Google to promise companies it would solve the issue and implement better tools and moderation practices.

One of the world’s largest advertisers threatens to pull ads from Facebook, Google

One of the world’s largest advertisers is threatening to pull its ads from social sites, such as Facebook and YouTube, if the tech companies don’t do more to minimize divisive content on their platforms.

Unilever’s chief marketing officer, Keith Weed, called on Silicon Valley on Monday to better police what he describes as a toxic online environment where propaganda, hate speech, and disturbing content that exploits children thrive.

and on, and on.........

Major brands including Verizon and Walmart pulled their ads after they were found to be appearing next to videos promoting extremist views or hate speech

I doubt that. I'm sure they were appearing next to mild shit like Tucker Carlson and caused a "grassroots" complaint campaign.

Show me an example of Walmart ads appearing next to skinheads advocating for the genocide of jews or something then that would be something.

It doesn't really matter what you or I think of the content. What matters is the companies found it objectionable enough to pull their ads. It doen't matter that you think it won't actually damage the companies and that it is the product astroturfing. All that matters is these companies believe it damages their image (and will act on that belief by pulling their ads) and that Youtube believes large advertisers are critical the their continuing operation. You might not care that ads for a company you own appear before ISIS or David Duke videos, but Coca-Cola does.

Exclusive: YouTube ran ads from hundreds of brands on extremist channels

"We are shocked Nissan advertising has been served next to inappropriate and disturbing content by one of our partners. We employ safeguards to keep digital advertising from appearing next to offensive content and have agreements in place with our partners to strictly adhere to our brand safety guidelines," a Nissan spokesperson, commenting on behalf of both Nissan and Disney, told CNN. "Effective immediately, we are freezing all of our advertising on YouTube until we resolve this issue."

These ads ran before ISIS videos

Pretty standard commercials, but what's different is the content that comes after. In this case, they're all followed by ISIS and jihadi videos.

Did everyone forget about native hosting?

Somewhere out there you need a hosting provider. We've seen hosting providers AND DNS providers cutting off people.

To run a business you need to be able to collect money. If all of those services are cut off, I guess you have people send you cash in the mail?

This has become a complete removal from public life. Kinda fascinating.

If he wanted to publish some writing or whatever, where would he be able to go? Could he launch a website or would hosting become a problem? What do stormfront-type people do?

Sure he can launch a website. The problem is that it's generally not as reliable as a site like YouTube, costs money, and is harder to monetize. Especially considering the person would need to go to the website on purpose, where a person could find his content on YouTube organically. He would only get a few percentage points of the viewers that he previously had.

Who cares? Another failed persona this phony can add to his resume.

Digitally unpersoned.

How long until Keith tweets to tell us that he's "in negotiations" to bring back Gavin's show?

Then, how long after that will we learn that Keith lowballed Gavin with a offer of $400/week and it's not happening after all?

I bet Gavin bought a stake in CP Media and sold high when he left, now he can come back and reclaim his share for "pennies on the dollar, my friend".

I don't think Gavin was ever a partner.

This is peak conservatism though. A private company doing what a private company wants .

Gavin can just start his own YouTube . Pull himself up by the bootstraps .

Another said “regulate it like a Utlity “ . Lol this place rules

Their love for corporations is sickening. "Free market" yeah it stopped being a free market when giant companies bough legislation to burn down their competition.

It's almost like they think a corporation will act ethically at all times.

Holding a position nowadays means you unequivocally are against everything on the other side.

Not to be that guy but this is a dream position for both party sides. Thinking in absolutes is contraproductive

We're back to the old Coke vs. Pepsi paradigm. It's like everyone forgot we are living in a corporatocracy and love everything we all used to hate, government, big companies, ToS, stupid rules that go against the person defending them, etc. I'm not saying the Jews have won but we're reaching a boiling point for actual change to happen.

Call it Freedomtube or Patriotvision or something and put American flags and eagles all over it. Then he can hire Anthony and Alex Jones and everyone else who fancies themselves a martyr of free speech.

The problem with society now is the people who don't work or contribute in any sense are the loudest retards who influence everything. That's across the board from pampered unemployed socialists to angry unemployed the_donald homos. If any of them actually do have a job it will be low paid menial labour, or part time baristas etc

It's always the same. Everybody who becomes a sub celeb on here is always one of these types. Every time. Porsalin is the best of the bunch and he's 35 and lives with his parents and pretends to freelance for the BBC and has a 12 year old boys haircut.

If Gavin started his own Compound Media style network and it took off it might drive Anthony to suicide

when right wingers get told they're not mainstream they suddenly turn into socialists lol

Then they have no integrity and take the form of whatever you pour them in. Bunch of Nortons.

And vice versa with socialists defending the largest multinationals on the planet.

The only ones not hypocritical are socialists wanting to break them up for their shakedown on rightwingers (do such people exist?) and libertarians who object to their behavior, but defend these companies' legal right to choose whom to have on their platforms.

He’s capable of launching a free speech platform similar to YouTube that actually catches on. he’s got the funds and experience.

Just because you have the right to do something, doesn't mean I have to like it. All kinds of despicable things should be legal, including this censorship. I can still oppose it.

You're just randomly combining statements made by different people. I totally object to what they're doing, but would never call for regulation. The solution is indeed to look for alternatives and to create counter-pressure. Nobody is legally entitled to a youtube presence.

I hate these tech San Francisco faggots.

I hate stand-up comedian faggots who put a dress over a boner and fill their apartment with celebrity memorabilia.

To each their own

I never realized they were enacting a 'no fag' policy. How regressive of them.

Fuck him. He's a boring, hateful, irrelevant old cunt just like Nana.


He was edgy 15 years ago.

Bro you dont venerate the housewife and entrepreneur?

I like how a one-paragraph article has to reference proud boys 3 times (including the title) despite it being a copyright thing. I mean, it might have factored in, but they report it with a heavy implication that it definitely did. Dogshit clickbait website.

Will be interesting to see if Ant extends a hand to Gavin or if he just takes the path of least resistance as usual.

this trend of deplatforming is eventually going to result in the wild success of a content-agnostic company and i can't wait to watch nana miss the boat and watch someone else rake in the billions when that happens

eventually going to result in the wild success of a content-agnostic company

Like CRTV?

I know we all think Proud Boys are faggots - and they certainly are - but this is getting fucking ridiculous.

First they came for Nana - And I did not speak out

Then they came for the Proud boy guy that stuck a dildo up his ass to prove he wasn't a homophobe - And I did not speak out

And then they came for babybooey247 - and I yelled Yep that's him Officah

Good. Hope he gets beheaded, too.

Damn Gavin is actually a good dude he gets fucked over by the media so much.

too funny

Fuck this shit. The first 100 or so episodes on Compound Media were brilliant and hilarious.

Gavin should seriously come back. I'd resubscribe in a second.


Proud Boys (1990) Drama * 1/2 - A church-sponsored wilderness retreat turns into a fight for survival as three pals (Edward Furlong, Jason Priestly, Josh Saviano) find themselves trapped by a huge mudslide. With Jack Warden as Father McHenry, Randy Quaid as Ranger Foster and Sandy Duncan as Sister Angelica. PG, some adult language. 91 minutes.

More like jew tube

Keith needs to get gavin on the network NOW. There are thousands of pissed off right wingers seething on twitter. If he fucks this up he should blow his head off.

Don't worry, Keith WILL fuck it up.

He is brought onto the show to be a cool expert. Isn't he supposed to be this punk rock guy that would never judge two faggots on what they were wearing?

Their love for corporations is sickening. "Free market" yeah it stopped being a free market when giant companies bough legislation to burn down their competition.

Call it Freedomtube or Patriotvision or something and put American flags and eagles all over it. Then he can hire Anthony and Alex Jones and everyone else who fancies themselves a martyr of free speech.

I hate stand-up comedian faggots who put a dress over a boner and fill their apartment with celebrity memorabilia.

To each their own

Evangelical Progressivism.

If Gavin started his own Compound Media style network and it took off it might drive Anthony to suicide

when right wingers get told they're not mainstream they suddenly turn into socialists lol

Shut up fag.

That or do people just repeat shit they've heard without having much of an understanding of it or even a point of view?

You can't reason with them. You can't bargain with them.

He will own you

own you

He’s capable of launching a free speech platform similar to YouTube that actually catches on. he’s got the funds and experience.

All this bitching about Youtube is pointless. Youtube only cares about what their advertisers tell them to care about. They pull content that advertisers tell them they don't want adjacent to their ads. Coca-Cola dosen't want their ads next to a guy telling people to "strangle trannies", etc. Youtube is not going to adopt your standards if it will cause them to lose all their major advertisers and go out of business.

You could have the government force those rules on them, but they would just shutdown or go out of business. You could have the government break Youtube into ten smaller Youtubes, but they would all still have to remove "copyright infringers" and content objectionable to advertisers.

Major brands including Verizon and Walmart pulled their ads after they were found to be appearing next to videos promoting extremist views or hate speech

I doubt that. I'm sure they were appearing next to mild shit like Tucker Carlson and caused a "grassroots" complaint campaign.

Show me an example of Walmart ads appearing next to skinheads advocating for the genocide of jews or something then that would be something.

Just because you have the right to do something, doesn't mean I have to like it. All kinds of despicable things should be legal, including this censorship. I can still oppose it.

You're just randomly combining statements made by different people. I totally object to what they're doing, but would never call for regulation. The solution is indeed to look for alternatives and to create counter-pressure. Nobody is legally entitled to a youtube presence.