The names Kurlan. Daniel bobo Kurlan. Alwite

1  2018-12-10 by Dennyislife


007 I.Q

LMAO I love this place

Fuck off spade

LMAO I love this place.

I hope his stupid little balled up fists get chopped off somehow.

Look ma no hands awlroight

I'd like to see Bobo vs The Worm in a bare knuckle fight.

No contest, Bobo's Special Olympian retard strength would put Splits out of his misery. Just have to wind up his anger somehow.

We all know in a bracket tournament this ends in Bobo vs. Missy every time.

👊 👊 every time

Bobo's spy thriller would be named after his mother's first words after labour;

"Dr, Oh No"

Bobo's spy thriller would be named after his mother's first words after labour; "Dr, Oh No"

Too wordy

I don’t know who I hated more, him or Eric the Midget.

Codename: Maloonigan.

Who are you going to trust, a retard or a half a retard like myself?

"Mr. Mallonagen come here....meep"

If his sleeves were the right fit, he’d look like a dork vs. a full blown re re.

Mishap: Unfortunate

He looks like the robot in forbidden planet

He was great in Womb-raker.


Timothy Dalton lookin' like shit.

"Are you a spy sent to kill me?"

"Yeah, dat's right!"

"I shall look forward personally to exterminating you, Mr. Bobo"

"Lay off Spade!"


Both him and Anthony share the suit not fitting bit.

I got a loiicense to kill

I’m not spying alright

Who would have thought the special needs character would have a suit jacket that fits better than Anthony "Parade of Zeroes" Cumia who pays the needy to perform the most menial of tasks for him?

You think Anthony would have told Bobo about the joys of hair plugs during all the time they spend together. This asshole's hair looks like shit

Why do his hands look like hooves?

I still want a 50 cal bullet to explode through his forehead

Was listening to Bobo's first appearance last night. It's sad but funny how he's pretty much become a mentally disabled Anthony. He looked up to O&A so much, Ant in particular, and Ant treated him worse than a dog. Hopefully Ant started kissing Bobo's retarded ass after the Windex abuse became a meme on our sub.

The Show Time Is Not Enough Arwlroyt

Nice unfitted suit, retard.

Aside from the very long sleeves of his shirt, the excezzive break in his pants length and the fact that he buttoned the bottom button, he is very well-dressed here.


Look at those clinched retard fists. Ready to crush the skull of anybody that triggers his rage, like a rabid orangutan

“My name is Daniel and I’m a secret ag-” dog yelps “I mean my name is Rick and I’m here to fix your pool and not kill you.”


He has a license to pussy dive.

The Attention is Not Enough

agent 47 penis surgeries.

Bobo's spy thriller would be named after his mother's first words after labour; "Dr, Oh No"

Too wordy