Any one of you could fuck sams_seed in the mouth, pussy and asshole with minimal effort

1  2018-12-10 by TonyFromLongIsland

Stop responding to her posts


sounds dope

Including Big A and Bobo

She's repulsive. I wouldn't even Joe Cumia her. By which I mean rape.

I thought you meant you wouldn't hit her with a frying pan, which I would totally do.

Oh I'd totally beat her with a frying pan. Ole Joe isn't all bad.

Right on brother

I just wanna glaze her hernia

I heard her clit is so big it looks like a little pee-pee

No his dick is so small it looks like a clit

I got 20 food stamps that are good for some ass to mouth

Donating all the scammed money from the Chip cartoon to remove that thing from her stomach would be a good start from Norton.

I'll pass.

You guys are fucking degenerates asking for pictures of her asshole and shit. I fuck decent looking girls and sometimes evem very hot ones. I don't need that mess.

I actually offered her a hundred bucks for a blowjob yesterday, and she declined.

And you haven’t killed yourself yet?

Mouth, pussy, and her asshole? This is simply untrue sir, for I have seen multiple time that Mz Seed has remarked she can only take a smallish cock in her ass, and I got a big fawkin pecker or something, a nice piece one might say, I've even taken out pre emptive restraining orders against a certain James Morton because of it.

She used to be kinda funny but now she always has this stupid black girl fake-bravado thing going on. Unlikable cunt.

At the same time?

I'm pretty sure it'd take a lot of effort to fuck that creature. Mental mostly.

And you haven’t killed yourself yet?