This post needs your help

1  2018-12-09 by SpudsCuckley


Don’t go over there and ruin it you faggots.

I went and upvoted. Nothing more.

Good man.

Yeah, just go and upvote. I was going to comment and realized that my only other post history is here. We have enough faggots here as it is, we don't need to lead more to us.

i think you can just upvote directly from spuds profile

does that help keep the sub stink off the thread?

That's a good call. One of those nerds who watch their wife get fucked already ratted us out though. God dammit.

It’s amazing they are against posting a harmless picture, but they will happily watch their wives fuck a dude and then lap up his cum.

This Fucking sub makes as much sense as the men who enjoy watching their wives be dicked by BBC. I don’t get it.

Are you saying that getting together to complain about a radio show that’s been off the air for fifteen years is stupid?

It's almost as if they're mentally ill cretins.

You don't think I should go there and post a cheeky inside joke?

They ratted out OP. So it’s fair game now.

Good to see you didn't follow your advice

The jig was up. Also I wasn’t the first person to do it.

Wow man that kind of bigotry is not allowed here. How dare you, they’re not jigs anymore, the term is “Person of Color”

How can they be persons of color when they're not people!

I wanted to compliment her beefers.

Where is the bare chested guy’s arm?

Being guided to the lady's ass by "florida trash" Ant

You really pulled the wool over their eyes, stupid

Quentin Tarantino's white-trash cousin, from Mastic.

That sub has 150,000 subscribers wtf

This is Reddit, it would be like being surprised at the amount of black people on World Star

God, this place is lame as hell.

So much of it makes me feel pessimistic about the world... but then I remind myself it doesn't represent average person and is actually full of do-gooder people who like Star Wars, Big Bang Theory. super hero movies, and circle jerk each other over a gif of cripple kid running a marathon.

It seems to attract an annoying type of lame person, who feels good about themselves upvoting a crippled kid running a marathon, like they made the world a better place.

Shallow people who mistake sentimentalism for genuine emotion and who claim you're callous and immature if you don't care, even though they're not sensitive enough to realize they're being sentimental instead of empathetic.

Buncha fuckin faggots y'ask me.

White guys who like the idea of having their wives fucked by black cock while they watch and whimper in the corner holding their dick is like 60% of reddit. 35% is whiny bitches convincing each other they love abortion, being alone and that everything is rape and 5% this place and subs like /r/watchpeopledie

watch people die is a great sub and shouldn’t have been quarantined. You might like /r/combatfootage too

Nice one. Thanks brothaman

r/enoughinternet is fucked

White guys who like the idea of having their wives fucked by black cock

The easiest way to get your wife to let you fuck other girls is to find her a few guys in their 20s. It won't be easy; you're going to have to go out there and find some recruits. But on the upside, you'll get to have your cake and eat it too.

This idea that cuckolds are fantasizing about black guys slamming their wives is silly. It's mostly old guys like me who want to fuck other girls occasionally, without our wives freaking the fuck out.

Thanks for the insight, elderly closeted fag.

Have you ever seen a grown man naked?

the easiest way is to find a chick whos into chicks from the start

Threesomes are dreadful.

First off, I don't need my wife giving me the stink eye because I'm fucking some other chick. Second, women hate each other and it's going to become a bunch of drama.

Anthony Cumia fell for that trick.

By far the easiest and most reliable way to have a girlfriend or two on the side is to find guys for your wife to fuck. If she starts to get pissy about you fucking another girl, just remind her that she's doing it too.

What are the alternatives?

Buy her a Lexus? That shit is a slippery slope, once you start giving your wife cash and prizes in exchange for sex, it will never end.

Just cheat on her? That works with some girls, but it's a great way to get divorced. I suppose this is a viable option if you're in a dead bedroom.

Just fuck around on her and tell her about it? I've tried this one too, but I've generally found that girls eventually hate your guts when you do this.

Only viable solution that I'm aware of is a 'tit for tat'.

yeah thats stupid.

let the chick your with know upfront you get off on your partner watching you with other chicks

might take awhile to find, but they are out there. ive only had a couple times go bad, but over all as long as the communication is there its pretty chill

also having side chicks basically means having more girl problems to listen to, for what?

you are being lazy imo

I got an early start on the "non-monogamy" thing:

Basically my Dad was a traveling businessman and he had women all over the west coast. I'd tag along on business trips and 80% of the time we'd stay at some chicks house. He had them all over the place.

I've never seen a scenario where I've fucked two women and they get along. Not even once.

All the evidence that I've seen, personally, is that you have to keep a LOT of space between them. Ideally they live hundreds of miles away.

There was a span of about five years where I tried REALLY hard to get the girls to get along but it just didn't work. One of the girls I was seeing agreed to meet one of the other girls, and then she just broke down in tears halfway through lunch.

I've been able to maintain 2-3 relationships for over twenty five years now, so I must be doing something right.

to each their own. thats why Im into bi girls. they actually enjoy each others company, they can girl talk while i do other shit.

obviously issues can come up, but issues come up if you arent fucking chicks on the side as well.

sometimes ill let my chick message the other girls as me. so they can see how little i care about the dates and they can read thru the messages (also i can focus on other things besides small talk with tinder thots)

just saying you can approach getting new pussy in a couple different ways that dont involve you finding her new dick.

if i was gonna get my chick some new dick tho, it would be for her pleasure, not so she didnt bitch about me fucking other chicks.

to each their own. thats why Im into bi girls. they actually enjoy each others company, they can girl talk while i do other shit.

Now I'm going to sound like a complete fag, but I've just never felt 'crazy in love' with a bisexual girl.

For instance, in a previous post, I mentioned that two of the girls that I was dating met each other. The one that went home in tears was straight, and the other one was bi.

The thing that I noticed with her, was that she was always into girls more than guys. That was very convenient for me for a few years; it meant that I had a GF who didn't particularly give a fuck if I fucked other girls. But at the same time, I saw her get down with other girls a couple times and she was absolutely quivering. She was clearly 110% more attracted to women than men.

That relationship could've gone on for a long time, but I always knew that it was mostly a relationship of convenience. She wanted to appear 'straight' to her friends and family and I wanted to fuck around.

But I gotta admit, that IS a viable approach if you want to keep the drama to a minimum. She never got brokenhearted over me fucking around, because she simply wasn't into men all that much.

i can see that. from my experience the girls were always more romantically into dudes than women, the only problems that came up were when i got lazy and didnt keep my partner in the side pussy loop. lead to them getting insecure about their place in the relationship

I feel you may have some sexual confidence issues. the chick was probably turned on by the situation just as much or more than the other girl fucking her. usually during threesomes you can get girls to come quicker because its more exciting, not because they love cunt that much

just my opinion

I feel you may have some sexual confidence issues. the chick was probably turned on by the situation just as much or more than the other girl fucking her. usually during threesomes you can get girls to come quicker because its more exciting, not because they love cunt that much

To me, sex was largely something I used to keep women in my orbit. For instance, I noticed that the bisexual girl would start to drift away if I didn't see her at least once a week.

So basically I was fucking them to insure that they stuck around, not because I was crazy about the sex or anything. Not that it was terrible or anything, but there was just a lot of other stuff that floated my boat.

For instance, I've largely worked from home for the last decade. So I got my life 'dialed in' to a point where I was basically rotating between four different homes:

1) my home

2) the homes of my three girlfriends

3) Plus an occasional work trip

So that was pretty cool. I basically had a different girlfriend and a different home and a different city and all the good stuff that comes along with it, about every other day of the week.

Personally, I've never met anyone else who's lived like this. I've met people in the BDSM community who have all kinds of crazy threesomes and stuff, but it's all local. I put a lot of effort into keeping my girls separated, every one of them was at least 60 miles from the other one.

Ted Turner, of all people, does this. He does it via jet, I did it via car:

I mostly gave it up and got married though. (My wife grudgingly allows me to fuck one of the girls that I used to dated, and I have a few orbiters that I'm not allowed to bone.)

I mostly gave it up and got married though. (My wife grudgingly allows me to fuck one of the girls that I used to dated, and I have a few orbiters that I'm not allowed to bone.)

sounds like you just sowed your wild oats

Why are you even bothering to get married if you wanna fuck your ex’s and every other hole in between? Because society expects that from you? Wouldn’t it be easier to not be married and fuck anyone you want without having to answer to a spouse(or find her young cougar prey to fuck)?

Why are you even bothering to get married if you wanna fuck your ex’s and every other hole in between? Because society expects that from you? Wouldn’t it be easier to not be married and fuck anyone you want without having to answer to a spouse(or find her young cougar prey to fuck)?

I think I lucked out:

I've used a condom about six times in my entire life. So, clearly, something is wrong down there. If my fish could swim, I would've knocked someone up by the age of 22 and I'd probably be divorced by now.

So I had about twenty good years there, where I was juggling a bunch of girlfriends and just generally figuring out how to have two or three girlfriends without getting stabbed to death by one of them. (Hint: keep them at least a hundred miles apart.)

For me, I had a wake up call where one of the girls nearly died of a diabetic coma, and then I realized I was really scraping the bottom of the barrel, as far as internet dating goes. I have a friend-of-a-friend who is "dating" a homeless prostitute, that's a similar kind of deal. If your girlfriend is calling the cops on you and you're on TMZ and you can't find your gun, you might have a problem.

But the thing that was so gloriious about all of this, was that I had all these girls that I was dating or had dated, so I could simply select my favorite and settle down with them. Which is exactly what I did.

As far as finding her dudes to fuck, that was always part of my Modus Operandi. I discovered really early that girls were just delighted if they found out that you don't care if they're fucking other guys. Here's why:

Girls want to date the best man that they possibly can. Because of this, they are always looking to trade up. So you see tons of cases where a woman gets divorced because her husband doesn't make enough money or she's not getting enough attention. Now if you tell a girl "I don't care if you fuck other guys", suddenly you become The Constant. For instance, I've been fucking my mistress for ELEVEN years now. She's had dozens of boyfriends in the meantime, but none of them meet her preposterous standards, so she dumps them. And I just stay in the picture indefinitely, because she knows that I don't care at all if she fucks other guys. In fact, she can go on a date, and tell me about it.

She basically has no reason to leave me. I don't make any demands on her, and if she's bored or lonely or horny or whatever, I'm available.

The dating sites have given women this ridiculous sense of entitlement. On a good day, she's a four, and she's able to date guys who are 30 years old, give or take five years. In her mind, she thinks that if she goes on enough dates, eventually one of these guys will put a ring on it.

Obviously, this will never happen. She should date someone her own age. But women just aren't wired that way; they don't know how to settle. They will always seek out the best guy they can find, even if that means that they're going to be on the cock carousel for the rest of their lives.


if i could gold this post i would

These people almost make me want sharia law. Fucking freaks.

Nobody is forcing you to be here. Take your vanilla view of life elsewhere.

Fucking infidel

Edit* Thought I was replying in the cuck sub. I’m an idiot.

Just find them and fuck their wives

Their wives are probably all disgusting std ridden degenerates like them

God I hope I get a ban from /r/Cuckold. What a fucking badge of honor to be judged unwelcome in that fetid corner of the gene pool

Somehow, the only sub I've gotten banned from is WTF and it was because I made a joke about systemic racism, still not sure if I got banned for making a joke about it not being real, or because they didn't realize that it was a joke

I got a ban from /r/watchpeopledie for the term ricenigger, you'd think that in a sub made up of people laughing and joking about people dying a clearly jokey racial slur would go, but no. Fucking lifetime ban.

Pretty sure I got banned from happy even though I have never gone there. Its from fraternizing with the likes of you animals.

The “where the fuck is my bull?!” comment got a good laugh out of me

Glad I could bring cheer to you sir!

Dan Henderson cucked my Nana :'(

That hairline is horrendous

These people are more deplorable Isis jihadists. I’ve always been adventurous, curious & had an easy time ingratiating myself into social circles & subcultures that couldn’t be more different than my own. Being born & raised in New York City there was no shortage of interesting, bizarre, unique, powerful, extremely wealthy, extremely poor, perverted, organized crime of every ethnicity, street gangs, the party scene & relatively unknown cultures & subcultures that I never knew existed & they were all there waiting to be discovered & experienced but I never had been more confused by a group than these people on the Cuckold sub. I thought I saw it all but this is one thing I can’t wrap my head around.

This is why Alts are good. They went right to your post history and saw you came from here

Yeah, I muffed it.

I know mel wouldnt approve, but fakers really do look glorious in a tank top

Ant has half her arm, Chard Thundertits has armpit. You should've never removed the hat.

Is that fucking Borat on the right?

Do you guys think Anthony felt adequate and self-confident when they took this picture? shrieking baboon cackle

Oh my fucking god. Can’t tell if he’s big and buff or just A big fat flabby fuck. What a conundrum, but I’m going with the latter.

It’s amazing they are against posting a harmless picture, but they will happily watch their wives fuck a dude and then lap up his cum.