Anyone ever stop coming here for a while, then come back and realize how weird it is that we hate these dudes and just attack them everyday?

1  2018-12-09 by diddlybooba

Any time I leave here for a week I come back and the strangeness of it all dawns on me. O&A ended in 2014 and we've spent every day since then terrorizing everyone associated with the show. While you're checking this sub every day it doesn't seem that weird, but when you take a break and live a normal life where you're just doing normal things, what we do here seems really odd. We're obsessed with the fact that an old ugly man sucked a young transwoman's penis. And people draw pictures about it. And we follow his brother who's a typical retarded Long Island guido posting typical retarded Long Island guido things to Facebook, and we post screenshots of it and lose our minds over it.

Very weird you guys. Take a break and come back here. It will let you see things in a whole new light.


Nah these are the most mentally sound people I’ve ever met have some goddamn perspective

Thanks, bud.

Yeah, you don't leave a cult for a week and then wander back into it going "this is normal." It has to be daily, personality shattering, soul crushing regiment.

That’s how killacoon is going to feel when he gets out in 2045

He’ll be too much of a sad husk to use the internet.

I come here for the community experience. And to snicker at the bad uncles.

whats your barley soup recipe

Lots of love and plenty fentanyl.

i took a break and came back and it was chocked full of opie gay shit out of nowhere after 3+ years of bam and his tits.

and btw the show ended solidly after otto died.

Hpw the fuck can anyone take a break, when there's always the possibility of one of these men doing something to embarrass themselves and ruins themselves even further?! Or someone tosses their first-born out a window?!

I don't know, if this place were a forum I wouldn't think of it being too weird

I think you need to go away again.

I'm sorry, I don't see what point you're driving at here

So so so so so the fact that people spend all their time hating the former hosts of a long dead radio show is strange to you?

It's like those Jap soldiers who hid in the jungle for forty years and had no idea the war was over.

Nice existential realization, stupid.