Would you?

1  2018-12-09 by RelevantField


He looked healthier when he was morbidly obese.

Like Penn

And Jimmy.

Just like Dan Conner imo

She definitely inherited her mother's worst features

How can you tell. The mother looks like she has done so much work to her face.

No I wouldn't watch anything Kevin Smith has done in the last decade because he fucking sucks. Stupid question.

Zach and Miri was hilarious and Red State was fucking awesome.

Why can’t he dress normal? Also the dog is the most fuckable thing in that picture.

Holy shit when did Kevin get aids? He looks awful.

he had the heart attack

Kevin Smith's wife is so obnoxiously unattractive. It's hilarious how she got shoved into two of his movies as a hot chick and stuck out like a sore thumb

Yah it drop a batch in her tummy

Ha. I forgot he named his daughter that.

I would love somebody to punch that stupid fucking look off his face.