"How come you guys over on the O&A subreddit don't make fun of Dawn all that much?"

0  2018-12-09 by GorramTimebomb


He's about to say 'big' but he changes it to 'great'. He's a fucking lunatic.

No she doesn’t. That was one picture in which she was sticking it out and had heels on. People have posted other pictures and it’s a terrible ass.

It's always above average, how dare you.

That movie was overrated garbage and both of them were over the acting hill by then. And Dawn Cumia is a barely passable gypsy.

Hard to post links and keep the 18 wheeler between the lines at the same time?

Heat? You're crazy bro. That film rules.

Rules the kingdom of dull films with a gray fist. It only gets the acclaim it does because it has both DeNiro and Pacino and cause of that "masterful" robbery shootout which revolves around uninteresting characters in service of a boring plot, so I couldn't give a fuck how well shot it is.

Rules the kingdom of dull films with a gray fist.

I don't agree but that's a good line.

luh dat chocolate booty

She has a flat, Long Island mutant ass. Stop with this nonsense.

She has a flat, Long Island mutant ass. Stop with this nonsense.

We heard you.

Did ya?

The real reason is that both of her brothers are such incredibly awful pieces of shit that she gets practically complimented for doing things like having a job or visiting their lonely, senile old mother - things that just regular human beings would do as a matter of course.

Basically, she's the least scummy member of a scum family.

She's not scummy, really, at all?

She is, of course. But she's the least scummy of the 3 Cumia siblings.

She takes an allowance from her pedophile brother too.

Does she? She works though.

Yes, and most of her "jobs" have been temporary multi level marketing schemes.

Better than playing dress up for boomers like Joe.

Yet she was still able to give joe a place to stay when he was in his 40s.

This is not a "great ass". You faggots fell for Spanx with butt pads. This is her real ass, in a bathing suit: https://i.imgur.com/RVMbI5U.jpg (face shot: https://i.imgur.com/EWjECJL.jpg

Oh no

I mean she’s a Long Island guinea in her 50s, not some Sue Lightning

She looks like her brothers' twin and an unpassable tranny.

Nice try with the hate though

You've cracked the case. Now I see why Vito fell for you.

I would fuck her for sure.

She visits her mother.

Not anymore she doesn't.

You don’t know that.

"And you got your head, ALL THE WAY UP IT!"


"When I think of asses, a woman's ass. Something comes out of me."