Dani GoLightning

1  2018-12-09 by SpudsCuckley


Jesus Christ this sub

What? We had ants dead mom jerking off Opie and actual chicks with dicks. This is child's play.

Stop saying "we" as if you had anything to do with anything you retard.

I'm saying it was posted here you fuck not as in "we"

Then don't say "we" faggot. It obviously means you consider this some cool club that you're a part of.

If you didn't know what I meant you're stone cold retarded. Go soak your head, homo.

Ypu could habe said "this sub" or something. You said "we" because you're a faggot that wants this sub to be something it isn't and you want to feel like you're part if it. The only thing you have in common with everyone here is that you're an autistic faggot and you 100% are fat and smelly.

You're the one explaining all this shit like you're overlord of the sub you fucking idiot.

I'm simply calling you a retard and you continue to prove me right. Difference between us is I know I'm pathetic and stupid. You're trying to defend yourself. Stop.

What a tool.

Fights like this are so "Us".

It's the Royal We, fuckstick

Don't try to bring some eurocentric "royal we" garbage into this you fucking faggot. In America when you say "we" you're referring to yourself and others as a group.

You may be overly angry about a minor offense, but what do I know?

I'm aggressively stupid but this nerd pissed me off with his lame defense.

Fair enough, carry on

I think it's because you don't get the God-damned reference, you sonofabitch!

excessive Lebowski quotes are the worst part about reddit though

Thats just like......your opinion, man.

How about taking the giant cock out of your ass. Lighten up Fancis !


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I'm getting bored of these 'too cool for the room' guys, acting like they swing-in here with their big dicks, make a comment & leave without a second thought... yet they still care enough to point out when someone says 'we'.

are you?

You probably jerked off to this pic.



I loffed

Vurry good!

I really can't believe that this hasn't been done before. A+

What has been done?

OP got his hands on a pic of Anthony's ex without his panties on. Daniel Brand became Dani Brand in 1998.

well the combination of Golightly-Lightning is gold

Sure. The word play on the name is outstanding.

I just take exception w/ the supposition of this image being manipulated or edited in some way.

Look at Anthony's current "girl" - that dude is a beast-shitting, hard-hitting son of a bitch. Dont think Anthony has dated an actual female in over a decade.

Is this photoshopped or legit?

Photoshop but in real life

It's photoshopped, but just to make the cock look a little smaller.

it's all a simulation, we're just in the depraved version of it

Dani Lightning Rod

When Ant said "where the fuck is my gun?" he was referring to his lover's genitals.

Improvement imo.

It’s a tough one man

This is gross. Downvoted.


I don't like how she's looking at me defiantly.

yeah I can barely jerk off to this


I hate that I instantly recognised that as Sue's penis.

It's all downhill from here

You recognize Sue's penis?

I think that was the self-deprecating joke he was making, yes.

looks like a fuckin piece to me

The only thing about this image that turns me off is that it’s fake

The only thing that is humorous about you, is you’re supreme level or faggotry.

Swing and a miss buddy. Why do people here always feel the need to call others here unfunny? And why do those doing the calling out always act like stalkers commenting on every post, it’s sorta queer.

Because they are try hard faggots who desperately cling to a show that was funny over 15 years ago. They claim to hate Jim but their “schtick” is to emulate lil yimmy at every insult.

Haha I’m not even a fan of the show. I literally came here just to call r/RapistWithAIDS a faggot. Also who gives a fuck, you faggot.

Love you too, titty.


I was being serious you dumb faggot

I know you were “being serious”...YOU dumb faggot! Bwahaha check your spelling, stupid.

What the fuck are you talking about you schizophrenic cunt

You know exactly wtf I’m saying, you backpeddling fucking worthless nigger cunt! So so so so “was you” or “wasn’t you” being serious, stupid. You’re a flaming cocksucker with an hiv+ limp wrist. We get it. “I was being serious.” Of course you were, semen swallower.

I was pointing out the irony that this picture was artificially created to be repellent and disgusting, combining two things that this subreddit sees as offputting (Anthony Cumia’s ex and Sue Lightning/trannies) and yet I actually found it sexually arousing except for the fact that it was fake

You thought I was going for some type of joke that bombed so you typed “oof.” as if to say that was a bad bomb, and I responded that I wasn’t joking, and then you replied with schizophrenic nonsenses rambling telling me to check my spelling when I had made no spelling error


No you weren't, stupid. More backpedaling nonsense. Take the dick in the ass, faggot.

I never back-pedalled

Point out where I back-pedalled and stop avoiding it like an emotional woman

Ha ha you are mentally ill, you will never be able to live independently as an adult male

Looks like you’re getting a bit irritated and rattled with your own stupidity, dumb ass. That’s hilarious, load lips. It’s OK, you’ve made a stumbling fool of yourself and refuse to accept it. Your straw man attempt (you’ll never live as an independent adult) has nothing to do with the latent homosexuality you exuded and tried to deny earlier, faggot.

Where was the homosexuality and where did I try to deny it? Stop referring to something I supposedly did and actually provided the evidence you emotional, effeminate male

Ha ha you say things but can't back them up. You have to pretend because you can't succeed within the parameters of factual reality

Ha ha you're like a little emotional child suspending disbelief and talking to a sock puppet on his hand, pretending it's his friend

You had to pretend.

Again, oof. Something so simple set your simpleton weakness off and that, in itself, is hilarious without parameters. “Where was the homosexuality and where did I deny it?” Look in the mirror for the homosexuality, As for your denial...that’s your problem, you closeted cocksmoker. For as much as you like to try and speak as if you are all knowing and can correctly interpret each and every thing said and what exactly was the intent behind it, you, yourself are guilty of precisely what you accuse others, stupid. You interpreted what I meant by “oof” without asking whether or not I thought it was a “bad joke” or a bad attempt etc. Nice magic ball. stupid. And then you blew up to your own interpretation. Now, that shit is hilarious, fuck head. Your mind mushing doesn’t work on everyone. Better luck next time, panty waist menstrual princess.

That's the third time you were challenged to provide an example of me "back-pedalling" on anything and you utterlyfailed, instead just making baseless statements with strong emotion

This objectively demonstrates that you have the psyche and personality structure of a girl

You have now lost the privilege of being in an exchange with me

Beautiful projection there, cry baby. And the “you have now lost the privilege of exchanging with me” is a monumental act of bowing out as a loser. You just dismissed yourself, shit heap. Go on, run away, lil piss pants bitch. Be the very “emotional child with a sock puppet for a friend” that you portray in your own run around musings, you stunning failure. “The personality structure of a woman...” like the woman with a dick that got you twisted up in a fit of flaming faggotry in the first place, pussyboi. And don’t you dare write back either, you weeping bucket of stale piss. I’ve lost the privilege, remember?

Ha ha run away from what, mentally ill faggot? I kindly invited you to show the example of me "back-pedalling" multiple times and you pathetically failed, beating around the bush like a pussy every single time. You provided nothing for me to run away from

Ha ha you need to seek therapy/medication and I don't. My brain works properly but you have a mental illness

You are mentally ill ha ha

“You need therapy and I don’t.” Are you also rubber and I’m glue, stupid. You don’t at all see how much your pathetic self assurances show you disgracefully as a deeply insecure tool. Besides, you wishy washy faggot, you’re awfully empty in your dictates, aren’t you. Losing the privilege, apparently, to you, means a continuation of your dull, blindingly boring stupidities because you can’t control yourself (like an emotional child) and are so easily led astray to supposedly prove a point to someone that, again, supposedly isn’t able to comprehend it. What a damnable fool are you.

lol mushbrain still can't provide the instance of backpedal

You are neurotically flawed

How does it feel to know that it would objectively be better for the evolution of our species if you died

A mindlessly redundant heap of urinated upon dog shit you mind numbingly are! I’ll tell you what absolutely feels wonderful to know and that’s the fact that you threw a hissy pissy panties fit about “oof” and then said “you’ve lost the privilege” when you got too frustrated (which was a good chuckle) yet, here you are still running in circles, mindlessly. Little marionette faggot...and with the strings attached!

So what you’re saying is you still have no example of me back-pedalling

So what you're saying is there's no real substance to your 'I'm a privilege' nonsense. Answer that and I'll answer the backpedaling shit.

So what you're saying is there's no real substance to your 'I'm a privilege' nonsense

How can you actually type this sentence and claim with a straight face that you are not afflicted with schizophrenia

See a psychiatrist and ask for a diagnosis, if they say you’re not mentally ill, and you show the paperwork I will transfer $100 into your bank account

Took you that long to respond with that garbage?! The fact that I even have to explain simplistic shit like “I’m a privilege” is fucking OBVIOUSLY from your incredibly imbecilic “you’ve lost the privilege...” comment, you dire dumb ass. Which, clearly, turned out to be a bodiless boast much like all your horse shit tonight.

So initially I commented “oof” to your failed attempt at a played out joke. You wrote “the only thing about this image that turns me off is that it’s fake.” Then you wrote “I was being serious dumb ass” in response to the “oof.” Only you weren’t being serious. I believe meant to write ‘wasn’t’ instead of ‘was.’ Because nodody just comes out and says “I was being serious, my dick gets hard at seeing a pair of balls and a cock...especially on a chic.” Which is what you are claiming with “I was being serious.” Then you backpedaled with “I was pointing out the irony that this picture was artificially created to be repellent and disgusting...etc” and further adding “you thought I was going for a joke that bombed” which, of course, is exactly what you were doing, stupid! It’s a played the fuck out jimmy joke of “hey, she’d be a 10 if she had a pair of nuts and a hard cock, right fellas! Hardy har har wink and a nod” That is EXACTLY what you were going for, fuck face, and you know it’s the unadulterated truth that you will, undoubtedly, continue to deny. That’s where you backpedaled, you blundering fucking dick sucker.

You try hard hunk of shit with your desperate need to come off as some genius critical thinker yet, I had to point out the most obvious reason for your relentless running in circles only to be tripped up by your own failure and stupidity. You even had to come out as a flaming faggot to try to cover up a weak ass, done to death joke that got a simple “oof” response. Bwahahaha. So you were serious that you were attracted to a pair of nuts and a cock. Yeah? So you’re truly a FaggotWithAIDS! Nice to know, cocksucker face. You’re fucking done, bitch made loser. You’re a deflated hemorrhoid. Paper tiger ass faggot. Nice coming out as a knob gobbler because you refuse to admit you failed with a done to death joke, stupid.

Now I see what you mean, why didn't you just say that the first 9 times I asked you

No you're wrong, I have many posts on this account talking about my bisexuality and my liking of trannies

You just came up with something that you wanted to believe and then you ran with it

Hey, out of curiosity....what is your opinion on the band KISS

KISS...musically, I haven’t given them much attention. God Of Thunder has a good riff. At some point I may delve into it.

Are you asking what I think about KISS as a conveyor belt of Jewish greed?

Looks like the special Spielberg Director's Cut of "E.T."

The missing piece Anthony was always hoping he'd find on Dani.


i don't like this picture its smug aura mocks me

Got a cock on her like Bobo but with smaller tits

IT'S GOT A PECKER!!!................ WTF!

That’s both unsettling and probably accurate

Now she can finally try out Ant’s vibrating egg that you put your penis in.

How does someone report a post to a moderator ?

REMINDER: Anthony accused everyone not attracted to his girlfriends as “gay.”

If this picture were real, Ant would have worked harder on keeping her.

Whoever made this picture is a confirmed pedophile

Not my proudest wank.

"drinking cum is my favorite thing..to do.."

This is a pretty good Litmus test for determining if a woman is hot: if it looks totally reasonable for her to have a dick, she’s not.


Anthony definitely has jerked off to this

Hey Dan, you see the game this weekend, bruh?