
1  2018-12-08 by SpudsCuckley


This is one of the creepiest social media posts by him. One word, but it says everything. He didn't even ask, it was a demand. "Age." He already knows that there's no lines drawn with Linz Bella.

They're definitely impregnating these whores just to groom them for the Compound. Bunch of sick fucks over there.

I didn't full get why he posted "age" by itself... I almost thought it was fake. Who posted the picture? What was the context?

Linz Bella posted a picture of her daughter holding her learner's permit on Facebook and Ant commented "Age."


Linzbella is a dirty slut. In saying that, I would fuck the shot out of that whore. Short brunette tattooed messes are my thing.

Can I get some context on this? Ant wants to fuck the baby?


Only if it's above whatever age his perverted brain has decided is acceptable this week

He actually left the comment "Age." on some teenagers Facebook post

Anthony is the Commodore.

Hopefully the child Keith brings to him will stab him to death.

With the shoe polish hair

I can't believe you're capable of being funny or even the tiniest bit clever.

He had one of the funniest lines in the series "If you ask me, what these Suffragettes need is a damn good rogering."

Also, who can forget humiliating his ex-slave maid over not knowing about the League of Nations.

Yeah, she says "I'm sorry, Commodore. I'm not versed in these matters." He just looks at Nucky and says, "Course she's not. She empties my piss pot." So fucking funny.

Late 50’s whaaahhhy

They're definitely impregnating these whores just to groom them for the Compound. Bunch of sick fucks over there.

I didn't full get why he posted "age" by itself... I almost thought it was fake. Who posted the picture? What was the context?

Linzbella is a dirty slut. In saying that, I would fuck the shot out of that whore. Short brunette tattooed messes are my thing.