FACT: The KETO diet would’ve saved Patrice and reduced his diabeetus levels. All the overweight degenerates in this sub should take heed.

1  2018-12-08 by Prof__et


Wow how inspiring. Good for him.

Head stil look like a egg tho

Head like a fucking orange!

Can somone explain keto and why its gay and not really anything

It really does work. We don’t need so much carbs when we’re living like fat lazy niggers. But you know, is it worth not having those delicious carbs? Hard to say

Lots of greens and protein. Pretty easy if you got a little extra money to spend on food. Some sort of nice cut of meat, and some sautéed veggies is something I could eat every day of the week.

I do Freshly, it's pretty awesome. Easy to use, good food, comes weekly

What podcast should I listen to to get a discount on that?

I don't even remember how I started with them. Most of the stuff I hear offered on podcasts is like Blue Apron where you have to make your own shit. I just put this in the microwave for 3 minutes

12.50 a meal? highway robbery unless it's huge portions

If I wanted huge portions, I'd go down the block to Taco Bell and get 10 tacos for that. I'm paying for the quality of the food and the convenience. People can eat whatever the hell they want

Veggies aren’t keto friendly, you’re supposed to stay under 15 grams of carbs a day.?

You’re correct. I meant leafy veggies.

The body can create energy in two ways, glycolysis and ketosis. The former is the standard process with modern diets, where glucose levels from eating carbs are high, and insuline levels spike and are irregular.

If you cut out carbs of your diet pretty much entirely and instead eat fats, liver glycogen gets depleted and the body switches to ketosis, where energy is produced by metabolizing fats. It's good for diabetics because insuline levels are steadily low.

It's gay if non-diabetics say it's a wonder diet to lose weight. If you keep eating 4k daily calories in deep fried red meat, you'll lose nothing but your heart health.

Joe Rogan loves it.

Here's a crazy diet idea: Eat whatever you want and exercise daily

Not easy for heavily overweight people to just exercise while sticking to their usual diet. Just tryna share an alternative you don’t have to do it

Stupid advice. Any idea how much exercise you need to do to work off the calories these fatties take in daily just to get to a deficit? Eat less and exercise.

Well, have of the folks on this sub are/have been morbidly obese since childhood. That is asking alot.

they would have to do Olympic training levels of cardio to burn off what they eat and lose weight

I did keto and it's the best fucking thing I ever tried.

I’ve been on it since Jan of last year and I’m down 65 lbs. It totally would have saved Patrice’s life, that and making Black Phillip a regular show.

Giving up sugar and booze is easier said than done

I know a comedian who gave it up.

Prop comedians don’t count.

You gotta move over to something hard on the rocks.

Glad you spelled diabeetus correctly

It’s the 2018 name for the Atkins diet. It works but it’s tough to stay on for a while.

tried keto and it didn't work for me. it was okay at first just eating a bunch of tendies and bacon but after a while all I could think about was how much I wanted a mountain dew and some French fries. down almost 90 pounds since my gastric sleeve, highly recommended!

Try the Artie diet it’s a good source of heroin, coke, cigarettes, and self loathing

keto and intermittent fasting made me lose 30 pounds in a month. I actually like the intermittent fasting more, much easier than I thought and I can get away with more shitty food. don't eat for 14-16 hours at a time including sleep

There’s a sincere conversation about diet and nutrition going on in this thread. This is bizarre.

It’s a hint into just how fucking fat this gross sub is.

I lost about 100 lbs. about about 2.5 years ago just calorie counting. I had gotten diagnosed with diabetes and that was enough for me. Thankfully, losing the weight made the diabetes go away. I did go lower carb but I just tracked every calorie that went in my mouth. I still track my calories and weigh myself.

What an unfortunate skull shape.

Take heed, you ugly fat fucks

What podcast should I listen to to get a discount on that?

I know a comedian who gave it up.

12.50 a meal? highway robbery unless it's huge portions

You gotta move over to something hard on the rocks.