His wife took the kids.

1  2018-12-08 by RBuddCumia


I miss 100% Italian.

haha me too lets show that brit some love!

He was a great documentarian that a lot of the fags on this sub were jealous of.

No one here created his fake alt accounts, held back/forth conversations with himself, congratulated himself repeatedly, and pretending a random fan submitting his own work to the stupid sidebar "competition" because he was too embarrassed to use his real account.

Nope that was all porsalin bringing it on himself.

And he pulled a 100% Italian inspired move and deleted his Twitter/youtube/reddit accounts.

how many fukkin alts you got?!?!

jeeezus christ

I can't wait for his funeral.

Stupid greasy Wop

"Ehm your honor, I was joking"

And not a pedo

I can picture him doing this joke before the America's Got Talent judges, cutting to Howie after the punchline giving his trademark "I'm smiling but not laughing" grin.

Ahh, I feel you joe.

Imagine unironically saying this hokey, tired as fuck material in 2018.

He's trying to be Louis CK lite with the "I love my kids but also secretly hate them" bits. I'd say I hope he gets banished from comedy as well, but that's seemingly already happened years ago.

They just played on SIRIUS CC Louis' "divorce is great, who can't be a great father for half a week?" bit but Joe doesn't even make any sense here.

I know and it's so obnoxious it's not even amusing when Louis says it it's so boring. It reminds me of that talent show thing Norm Macdonald was in where there was some smug liberal jew making an anti-Christian joke and he called him out on it. Ignoring the faggy cultural marxist crap it's just fucking boring and unoriginal as comedy.

Hungover opening a traffic light with my garage door opener.

Joey "2 retweets" Matarese.

Yeah, ha ha, more fatherless nimrods for society to deal with, all because a failed hack lost interest in parenthood right after he ejaculated.

“Holy shit”

It's sad reading this. He's been going for 20 years and still doesn't know that this shit isn't for him.

Oh man, what'll he say next! I couldn't imagine him off his meds! (Because taking psychiatric medication as prescribed in very conservative doses, which half the country does, is his entire identity)

He should go on a permanent vacation. The kids would be better off.

It's really not a bad joke.

It was the closer for the biggest set of his life:



The Adderall lets him write twice as many shitty jokes a day.

Turns out he was bad at that too.

How can you have fun wen yer not wit em aheh aheh

Sometimes I feel bad for this utter sap but mostly I just viscerally abhor him

Why is he making jokes? I thought he was a furniture refurbisher now.

And not a pedo