Disgusting pig slop cunt #soblessed

1  2018-12-08 by TonyFromLongIsland


Nice repost you stupid sack of shit


Big mad


Being mad is cancelled.

U got me vex

So uppity.

I hope she has a miscarriage on stage and the image of the lil undeveloped porker splatting onto the floor becomes a meme, we can chase her off social media with that.

Bro you just went there. You took it to the next level xD Lmao

Edgy af.

image of the lil undeveloped porker splatting onto the floor

this is magnificent


Does this bitch wake up every day and wonder aloud how she can make herself more repulsive and uncomfortable to be around?

she's the equivalent of fags who think they are edgy and 'woke' because all their shit gets downvoted. At least she realized she can't be someone people actually like watching so she has embraced 'hate-watching'

Solid 2/10. Lookin good, Ames

That's generous.

Does anyone else get the feeling that she’s campaigning for something. I think y’all are looking at your first female president. Lol America sucks