Joe Cumia has never denied raping Dawn.

1  2018-12-08 by JoeCumiaIsaRapist

I wonder why that is? Sinister.


Judging by his past, denying it would only leave me to believe he actually did.

If he didn't do it why wouldn't he publicly deny it? I think we all know the answer.

He also never denied raping Don from the Big Apple Ranch.

It really makes you wonder how many people Joe Cumia the guitarist of 2U has raped

Without a series of spontaneous denials in a mock court room setting, we can't even begin to speculate how many rapes he has been involved in.

Speculating would be unfair but I can say I think it's definitely over 600.

I think Joe Cumia, from 2U, has raped at least seven thousand people. And drinks gallons of kid spit daily.

We can only assume but I think it's a safe assumption that Joe Cumia from Almost Journey, 2U and the solo Joe accoustic show is a serial rapist.

I definitely concur with this. To be clear, in my opinion, Joe Cumia, the brother of Anthony Cumia and Dawn Cumia, is likely a serial rapist, pedophile, and a nazi. He also apparently is the singer of a cover band called 2U and also Almost Journey.

"You can't prove a negative" -the classic excuse of every rapist.

NOT a pedophile or sister rapist.

Did he testify that he wasn’t a pedo or did he just complain about other people calling him one. He thinks he found a loophole