It Literally Looks Like It'll Fall Off if You Poke It...

1  2018-12-08 by SpaceCaseBassFace


“My third book is still out”....because no one is buying it

What does 143 mean?

I love you, number of letters in each word.

That's cute


It's also a Stern show reference.

Sal the stockbrokers wife had a male "emotional friend", and they wrote 143 to each other. Artie used to make fun of it.

Oh. That's less gay at least.

I disagree, it's like Opie level of embarrassment with the @hstern @Joerogan shit, the guy hasn't been on the show in a decade and that bit is 15 years old now. Sal's marriage recovered and his kids are on their way to college. It's 100% junkie mentality

I mean it's most likely just a nod to Stern fans with a show reference. I wouldn't read into it that much.

Then my life is meaningless

This is proof that hate is more noble than love.

Everyone in the world would be better off with this piece of shit dead. You can't argue that. By loving people like him we're just making everything worse.

I use to send 143 to my girlfriends beeper in the 7th grade, what a little faggot

He's like that shape shifting alien form deep space 9 he can't get his nose just right either.

Nice nerd reference, stupid.

Nerds are smart, stupid.

stupid is as stupid does, stupid.

When's this ass holes court date? Throw this junkie in the fucking can already.

I would say it’s his only chance at sobriety but he’d still get that shit on the inside. Hope he gets in debt to a Latin king ends up giving this fuck a hot dose

You could always call one of your dozens of cousins.

I unfortunately don’t break the stereotype because I actually have a cousin that’s in nuestra familia

You? A guy who calls himself "Stud_beaner_69?" Get out of here!

That fools murdered dudes in San Quentin. He’s a captain from what I know but I’ve never really talked to him cause he’s been locked up since the early 80’s.

This cousin of yours sounds like a class act

Next time your cousin should talk about his feelings and learn to communicate instead of resorting to violence.

This is what I find unusual about White people. You guys got to the top of the racial hierarchy by kicking everyone's ass and now you guys push this touchy feely crap. Stop listening to your women and faggots.

Only the Anglo-Saxons got to the top and push this fag nonsense. Every other white ethnic group still has sense

we can learn much from your people (throwing gays into tire fires)

Haha I'm actually Mexican. We have alot to learn from whites. One thing you guys could learn from us is to not apologize for your past. You think any of us apologize to the Mestizos? Fuck no! Don't even get me started on Salvis.

A Norteño!

He’s hoping he can enter his bullshit tweets as evidence that he’s clean! “I said I was clean twenty times, your honor, what more proof do you need?!”

Woke up clean but went to bed fucked up, what a degenerate junkie fuck

This sounds like something a crowd could chant.

He looks like he’s pushing his face up against a glass pane.

Yeah to snort a line of heroin

How is he still alive? The way he lives he's biologically 120 years old now.

Some 50 year olds look 40, most look their age and some look slightly older. This fucking guy looks like he's in his 80s.

I’m 44 and look 37. I owe it all to a dietn of abstinence and hatred.

It looks like a penis without the shaft. Just a ballsack with the tip of a cock attached

Yes, just like the genitals from those micropenis documentaries

How much money does HBO have to spend to CGI that bell pepper into something people can stand to look at for more than five seconds?

I want to slap his nose and see how long it wobbles for.

Artie, a good cosmetic surgeon can fix that nose. When you get out of jail you can ask around, maybe get your worn out asshole stitched up at the same time.

Or he could just not snort heroin cut with drywall for a few days and it might heal up on its own

I’ve done that by accident. “It burns us!”

I want to slap his nose and see how long it wobbles for.

Like in "Super Mario 64".

"It-sa me, Ar-tie Lange!"

"Let's-ah go .... shoot some heroin."

It's starting to cross the line into being more disgusting than funny.

Agreed, because now it’s discolored and clearly some sort of rot is setting in. It will fall off very soon.

He does look less bloated. Good for you, Stabby. I'm happy for ya pal.

Artie "Life Is Good!" Lange...don't mind the crippling heroin addiction and the grossly deformed ruined face...he has a GIG tonight! And kids, if you're ever snorting pills with "some broad" make sure she doesn't smush them up with a glass salt shaker or you might end up with a nose problem no one can address, ever.

That cigarette looks like it was poorly photoshopped in. And I hope he doesn't think it takes away from his deformed face

In my experience, anyone who talks about how they’re clean like this is full of shame and trying to make themselves feel better because they are using again heavily. He just hadn’t got high yet that day. Probably two minutes after. Had to take an off day for his nose and plugged that H up his asshole

Isn't he tested every week for the next four years, and if he's using just once, he gets thrown into the pokey?

Lol what a faggot.

Artie needs to wear one of those black hijabs from Saudi Arabia.

Can anyone that has seen his HBO show explain what they do with his nose? CGI? Only shots from behind him? Always has something in front of it?

You'd have to be dumb as fuck to believe he is clean and sober for real this time.

Look how gross that mirror is

Stop showing us your face, sir.

He's like a junkie pinnochio - it grows when he's high.

Yeah he’s well fucked but I really can’t have I’ll will toward him. I would’ve falllen asleep on the set of The AA Show too. Also like I’m an actually human and I know that’s not the bit but I really wish Artie the best.

Also like I’m an actually human and I know that’s not the bit but I really wish Artie the best.

As a recovering addict I really do want to see Artie get it together and make a comeback. I've quite literally relapsed more times than I can count. If Artie was actually trying, not this part-time Monday to Friday rehab horseshit he's been doing, to get clean, I'd still be in his corner. If he was doing a 90 day program with a halfway house, maintenance drugs, therapy, etc. I'd respect the shit out of him. Even if he relapsed his first day out.

But the fact that he's failed not one, but two, piss tests now, and in response to that, decided to do a half-ass rehab stint (which is a complete fucking joke, btw) shows he doesn't give a fuck about the 20th chance he's been given at freedom. His only concern is staying out of jail so he can keep using. And in that respect, I can definitely empathize with him. Dude clearly wants to die. But he'll outlive us all.

half ass-rehab stint

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

Actually no it wasn't, you fucking cunt. Go fuck your mother.

Cunt ass bot motherfucker get AIDS

Yeah he doesn’t deserve my sympathy, but most addicts don’t try to kill themselves by stabbing themselves in the stomach repeatedly and drinking bleach or whatever, so I assume his relationship with his parents was extra bad, and he got diddled extra hard. I can sympathize with that shit.

I grew up in a loving home and never got diddled and I’m still a sack of shit.

Absolutely nothing in his behavior indicates a genuine willingness to get clean. Armchair psychology tells me he is totally unwilling to work on the issues driving him to use; he is unwilling to put in the work to develop as a person.

Michael Jackson had a better nose and was less of a degenerate

What does 143 mean?

I use to send 143 to my girlfriends beeper in the 7th grade, what a little faggot