How to draw the Compound Media logo like a PRO

1  2018-12-08 by AnthonyLovesAnal



Hope this helps :))

You could have just used that block click and drag way to delete the part of the swastika. Using the eraser takes more time. you should make another one doing it in less than 30 seconds.

Also, just open the image in a new page, copy it, and paste it in paint.

Yep. So he can easily do a 10-second or less one.

You really think Keith knows how to Ctrl+V?

Yeah I coulda, but I wanted to show everyone the authentic method that Keith the Cop used for producing the logo.

Oh I see. Sorta like theater of the mind

theatre of the mind means....


you are a fucking maroon

That's the bit Charles.

So so so so so so so so so having a good chunk of a swastika as a 'corporate' logo makes you a racist?

who gives a fuck lol. Nobody cares about his 'racism' no matter how many of your little kike friends keep posting these threads. Something NEEDS to be done about the O&AADL. A kind of permanent solution.

We're more upset that he likes the kids, like baby dick sucking rabbis

Windows really does look like it was made by and for retarded children.

no gay porn tab open. are you even a member of this sub?

How much time and money did they spend on this design concept?

Why are you using paint when theres a pirated Photoshop just sitting in your downloads folder asshole