The Dick Cheney movie looks great

1  2018-12-08 by RelevantField

And Ant will hate it


Did they include the hunting trip in the trailer?

I wanna see the shotgun movie!

Does it? Or does it look like a bunch of self-important overacting? Christian Bale must let you know at all times just how fucking hard he’s trying. Not exactly the most effortless, subtle or naturally talented actor.

This is why he was the perfect actor for American Psycho. Everything he does feels so forced and done only to show off.

I hope he used the Batman voice

TBH the trailer kind of left a bad taste in my mouth. Cheney isn't cool. Cheney is a sick, evil fuck who oversaw the greatest foreign policy disaster America partook in since Vietnam. I hate him. I hate Bush and I hate the Neocons. If they try and and retcon that fuck into some kind of Machiavellian genius -- fuck maybe he is one but still -- then I'm out.

It's like how in his film about the financial crash he tried to retcon the financial crisis as being the fault of blonde strippers with 5 houses not because they were encouraging banks to lend to minorities with sub-Grecian credit ratings.

Although Moneyball is a good watch so maybe I'll see it.

They weren't blaming the strippers, the strippers were the evidence that something was seriously wrong and the system was on the verge of collapse. They were emphasizing that the banks weren't doing due diligence with their loans because there was no incentive to do so.

I'll take your word for it.

Hot take!

Moneyball wasn’t any better (if you know anything about baseball). Hollywood made the As 2002 success look like an improbable, alchemical blend of statistical genius, a faggot GM’s negotiation skills, and Scott Hatteberg; when in actuality it had to do with Mulder, Hudson, and Zito on the mound and a left side of the infield (Tejada and Chavez) that combined to hit nearly 80 homers. Yet, none of those five players get a mention. Fuck Moneyball and any idiot who likes it.