Sure you are.

1  2018-12-08 by RBuddCumia


Still looking like shit

Maybe he got a shower, addicts will twist shit like that to hide what they are doing

Doesn't look like he took a shower

Who cares if he is or he isn't (he isn't). His life is already ruined and he looks like the decomposing corpes of a homeless person. He doesn't have any 'second chances' left. The people who used to root for him have finally got bored of this bullshit.

The court cares if he is or isn't.

By the number of chances hes gotten and still not locked up, apparently they really dont.

Court cares, it don’t nobody else care.

There are still people who inexplicably suck his dick on twitter though. And even a handful of people here.

I already have my party hats and helium tank ready for the day this fuck dies

Someone posted a Stern clip from almost 20 years ago and some caller predicted that Artie would be dead within 2 years (something about a death pool). Absolutely shocking how wrong he was. I hope it happens soon though.

Tom Ammiano?

Are ya?

He should really quit the cigarettes. You know how bad those things are for your heart and lungs?

Really? I’ve never heard that. Thanks for the info.

Oh literal LimousineLibtard

nice cigarettes, faggot


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Nice name, faggot

You know you're a fuck up when you're publicly claiming to have been clean for a short amount of time, like it's a big step. I'm privately fucked up almost all the time, and keep it to myself.

Yeah but at no point in your life has anyone ever described you as funny or talented.

It's so cool how he always has a ciggy.

Yup,yup, yup.

If you have to remind people on an hourly basis that you haven't been snorting coke then you just need to kill yourself already.

Doesn't look like he took a shower