More from Customer Joe: While standing in the Geek Squad line at Best Buy, Joe unironically complains about the computer illiteracy of old people

1  2018-12-07 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


I've never known anyone who has used Geek Squad. Joe is stupid, old, black, and able to enter contracts.

They taught him how to use ctrl+alt+del in 2018. He then spread this new found secret to his followers unironically.

Wait a second here. I’ve never known Joe Cumia to have a completely unwarranted sense of self worth despite accomplishing nothing in his life. Are you sure this wasn’t take out of context or doctored? These things can be easily manipulated I will have you know. He may be an idiot, hypocrite, racist and a liar, but he’s much smarter than the other old people in line at the Geek Squad counter!

Simply the Geek Counter to the likes of Joseph Cumia.

You just know "copious amounts" was originally "shitloads" but Joseph knew he had to class it up a bit if he wanted Twitter (and Best Fucking Buy!) to take him seriously.

You could have so much fun following and recording him covertly.

No need. He live tweets his day

Intellectual Joe - he knows he’s retarded so it’s typical for him to attempt to over compensate by dropping a word like “copious” unnecessarily to make himself look smart.

Joe is a fast paced artist/business-man, no time to waste on these people!!!

His righteousness and lack of self awareness is comedically enraging.

Who the fuck buys computer gear at a retail store?

Someone post a screenshot for those of us who are blocked

The fact that he's standing in line at Geek Squad, Tweeting no less, should show how intelligent he is.

He used the movie poster for Nothing But Trouble to photoshop a depiction of his People's Court triumph. What an asshole.

The People's Court paid him to humiliate himself on national TV, and it still hasn't occurred to him that he was the butt of the joke. They might has well have thrown cash at him to drop his pants to his ankles and start singing "That Old Gray Mare."

If joe is such a computer expert why is he in line for geek squad?

He forgot to tag Best Buy’s official account, how does he think he’s going to bring about massive corporate restructuring policies like this?

Says the guy who re-installed Windows...twice...before he learned he could close a frozen browser with the task manager, then acted like task manager was some super-secret "insider" tip. If Joe was a piece of shit he wouldn't even be a floater, he'd drop straight to the bottom.