When Did She Become A Slightly More Political Kelsey Cook?

1  2018-12-07 by literalotherkin


It's definitely rubbed off on her retarded husband if you follow his FB page.

Is it a lot of Israel shit?


Women are funny


They are tho

Name one.

Liz Lemon

Who the fuck is that?

Tina Feys character in 30 rock.

Never seen it. She's fine though. She's one of the funnier girls from that period of SNL.

She's the whole reason I stopped watching her show. Baldwin was funny, despite being a massive lib satirizing a massive republican. Hateable on paper, but he and Stephen Colbert proved you can make anything work as long as you're funny. Tracy Morgan was decent.

Tina was simply an across-the-board fucking cunt. I think what was the dealbreaker after a while was that smug smile at the end of every intro. "I'm successful and it's because I'm BETTER THAN THE PEOPLE I DISAGREE WITH".

Bitch needs cunt and tit cancer.

I've seen tiny bits and pieces and it always seemed a little artificial for my taste so I never got into it. It's also one of those shows that a lot of people I know like who I know have absolutely shitty taste and no sense of humour. As well I mean she's not offensively bad like Bonnie or Schumer but would she even be in anyone's top 100 comics? Get fucking real. Women stink.

I still go to bat for Bonnie. I get the fakeness resentment when it comes to Amy, but she is legitimately bad. She changed the face of comedy in the worst way imaginable. Started passingly funny, turned into a full-fledged SJW. Worse, actually. Co-opting the entire point of comedy, pretty much the entire point of humor, and doing so for the sake of her bank account. Some days and in some ways, as much as I disagree with them, I find it difficult to argue with anti-semites.

I honestly think now that the only reason I gave 30 Rock a shot, and did so for about four seasons, was a) it had great promotion, and b) Tracy was on it and I was a douchebag O&A fan and Tracy was a regular.

Nicole Brown Simpson.

Natalie Holloway

Wouldn’t a “feminist” avoid making light of rape by making these banal comparisons? I’m sure some woman who has actually been held down and raped would be irritated by this kind of stupid shit. I’ll bet Dawn wouldn’t laugh after what Joe tried to pull on her.

Wouldn’t a “feminist” avoid making light of rape by making these banal comparisons?

That's the genius of it....

Well, both of these cunts have never been funny.

When mainstream standup comedy said that was a viable way to make money.

Poor Vos. I will always like Pat Dixon for not allowing her to control things. The fact that she stormed out is bad. The way it exposed Vos as a hen pecked cunt made it so much worse.

My least favourite Vos moment. Even Dixon's own fat whore of a wife sided with Bonnie.

His plug/attempt of was the best. Besides that yeah sucks.

Vos is or was, one of the last man standing.

Yeah that was funny. Shameless old hustler.

Vos came on the Jim and Sam show a couple weeks ago being passive aggressive to them and Jo Koy for being mean to Bonnie when she was on the show the week before (Bonnie trashed them on their podcast after her appearance and said the Jim and Sam Show isn't fun to do and she doesn't know why she even goes there).


Then they played clips from the show where they were "mean" to Bonnie and it was basically all of them just joking around around and Vos had to back pedal on the whole thing.

Got a link, fella?

the beef: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYiQbT6rvEs

fullshow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wmm9Ke2c2E

It's amazing how few views these shows get on Youtube these days. Old show notable momebts would have 100k views.

You're a Saint On Earth, sir! Thanks a lot.

Now I have to like Bonnie a little bit again. She is really being honest about how devoid of fun Sam and Jim's show is. Think about how awful it is to listen to. Now, imagine actually being apart of it. I know it is been said too much, but I cannot even listen to clips of J&S. Not only because it is a terrible show, but it is a reminder of who the Worm has become.

I will always like Pat Dixon for not allowing her to control things.

same, plus she came back in a few mins anyway, proving chicks love a dude who doesnt back down to their horse shit

Bonnie was so in love with Anthony Bourdain that when I heard he killed himself I immediately thought of how sad Bonnie would be and had a good chuckle.

You're evil and I dig it.

More importantly, who the fuck is Kelsey Cook?

Tina Feys character in 30 rock.