Pathetic, lonely, self-obsessed, fanboy prop-comic hack. Also, worm.

1  2018-12-07 by suirogerg


Not only does he ruin comedy today but he has to drag Charlie Chaplins corpse with his shitty Chip shirt.

How does this pass for comedy? Sock cucka, get it? Genius. Genius in the fact that people pay to see this. He might As well add a puppet into the mix. This character gives him an excuse to lisp. I love you, you love me, homosexuality.

The fucking auto-mod calls new people sock cucka. This sub fucking stinks and everyone sucks. Jim should die.

Yeah, I noticed that. Cringe every time.

There has been a call for decades now to change all the awful chip shit like that to "brotherman/men" itreally needs to happen

I miss Patrice

Goes to all this trouble for some Swiss cheese brained old has-been who doesn't even know who he is but won't visit his own parents (who let him live with them rent free until he was fucking 30) at Christmas. What a piece of shit.

His dad definitely assfucked him. Hence why his mother is so overly nice and understanding yet Jim can’t stand to visit.

Nah. I think it's the fact that his dad is ashamed that his only male heir is a sodomite. "Mommy" is indulgent and protective but Norton Sr can barely stand to look at him.

You’re right, that makes much more sense. His dad is not even able to get some of that new age social cachet of having a gay son. His boy Jim is just an embarrassing tranny fucking poss mop

I like “poss.” It can mean both ‘piss’ and ‘pos’ (piece of shit). Piece of shit piss mop= poss.

Jimmy deep down angry at his dad for not protecting him from getting molested when he was 6 by the whole neighborhood.

He’s angry at him for not molesting him, like Garrison in that old South Park episode.

If my kid built his career bragging about letting tranny hookers shit on his chest, I wouldn't let him back in my house either

Dandy Kaufman

Pick a side worm!

Do these Sabbath people do Cameo clips? If someone has the money, I have a script.

If it wasn't Ozzy he wouldn't recognize them anyways. He doesn't actually like the band or music in general.

That'd probably work.

Okay, I put in a request for a quote.

If you have extra cash to spend, get this guy to show up to a 2U gig

If I had the money, there' d be 100 Bonos camping in his yard right now.

Might as well let Charlie Kelly write the script.

This is just sad.

I recently heard an old clip with Pat Cooper yelling at Jim to not be blue, and one of the guys directly tells Jim to be a prop comic. Looks like he took Pat’s advice.

Nice stupid merch, hack

This kid was good on Tough Crowd. I dont know why all the children these days are getting into prop comedy instead of focusing on what they are good at. All he really needs now is some face tattoos and a soundcloud profile


Ozzie's""party"" consisted of male drag queens and midget strippers. Ofc that kike wife of his keeps the lord of darkness all chained up on God knows what demonic cocktail of pills otherwise he would bite her thieving head off.

Agreed. Although I really think she just does everything she can to just keep the heart beating so she can keep pushing him out on stage.

You ever see the guy live in the last 2 decades? No because you don't have a mullet? Understandable but I went to a few ozzfests back in the day. This geriatric dude has no idea he's even there. He just shuffles back and forth clapping like a lost idiot.

Once people stop paying to see him she'll stop keeping him alive and make the money off the estate. I don't even believe the stpry that he cheated on her a few years ago. The only way that happened is if he was accidentally left in a wheelchair somewhere and some other dopefiend came across him amd tried sucking some drug money out of his dick before realizing he is a vegetable. I think Sharon made up the story for some relevant publicity.

Come to think of it have you ever seen that movie dead silence with the old lady ghost who had a puppet show? I think she might be based on Sharon.

Andy Millman. Is he havin' a laugh?

Fucking baby talk

Fucking disgusting. He rapes drunk girl and doesnt catch any shit. Sirius even deletes the episodes from YouTube.

He's got that Lena Dunham bod

At least Carrot Top doesn't pretend to be legitimate.

I can't believe people pay for this. I've seen better solo shows at free nights at UCB.

Jesus he’s really going all in with this “Evolved Chip” character.

Nah. I think it's the fact that his dad is ashamed that his only male heir is a sodomite. "Mommy" is indulgent and protective but Norton Sr can barely stand to look at him.