The Jews got to another one

1  2018-12-07 by Single_Action_Army


Pale skin is just miles better's not even funny . Asians spend incredible amounts of money to make their skin more pale. They say tan is for field workers , farmers and lower class .

Not to mention all the plastic surgery. She looked less gnome-like when she was younger.

She looked like a quality white woman. Now she looks like she's fifty six percent every race, aka, LA GOBLINA

"This is what 2050 America will look like and its BEAUTIFUL."

That’s where the phrase comes from. White collars in the office. Blue collars in the factory. Retards in the fields having the sun burn their necks red.

Blacks want to be White, Whites want to be Black and Asians want to be white.


It's what happens when Racism gets commercialized.

She’s literally North African and Greek. She said how her “Italian” family ancestry was from those places and what an identity crisis it created.

Sounds like a certain Anthony Cumia thay we know

Well AntH can’t have an identity crisis because he could never pass for a white person like Ariana. His North African genes are strong and evident

*weak and evident

North africans and Greeks are not that white or that black stupid.

No tits, hairy butthole.

Where did this hairy butthole thing come from?

Genetics, I think.

Ask your mom

Is that a fake tan then, or does she have to spend hours under lamps everyday?

Kirk Lazarus would be impressed.

I bet she smells like ketchup sandwiches

With a side of diced red onion

MK Ultra

Odd looking duck.

Anthony hates it when a 20 year old looks thirteen. He gets all worked up over nothing.

That’s the same person??????

hairy butthole.

No tits. Hairy butthole.

What a tiresome place full of faggots.

Her head would look good on a stick.