Teen angst has paid off well.

1  2018-12-07 by Kingpoopra


I wish I was like you.. easily amused.


Now I'm nana and bored

I need a tranny friend I do, with a cock to lend I do think you fit this Sue I do, won't you have some goo

Load up on guns, then lose them all.

Where the fuck is my shotgun! FUCK!

No I don't have a gun


It’s Captioned that way for a reason. But you are correct. Any other inconsistencies, Colombo?

smells like teen spit

Smells Like Teen.... nah, too easy

I think I'm dumb - J. Cumia

You may think it, but we all know it

The guy on the left a cross between Bro Joe, Chip and Danny Trejo?

Now that you mentioned it, I can’t unsee it.

Judge Kavenough.

Can you hear my egg buzz

This is highly offensive