Opie dumps a bucket of baby shit on himself while cumming

1  2018-12-07 by ichise7


your posts are the worst. kill yourself, fat boy

theyre actually the only thing decent on this sub anymore

also, get cancer you fat nigger faggot

how much do you weigh?

Three bills at least

a lady never tells

im going with 36 years old


You should channel your hate to more suicide susceptible targets.

opies the easily the most miserable of the three, thats not deniable. this is why, even though i want all of them dead, i choose to focus on this worthless piece of walking breast meat.

Although I think your hate is misguided it's also impressive in it's magnitude. Therefore I wish you good luck in your crusade.

Nice effort, stupid

only thing keeping this from being sidebar worthy is a good catchy caption. see: feed nana.

otherwise - cosign with the name calling you get holy shit.

good idea. ill conjure up a nice slogan

also, get cancer you fat worthless faggot

I’m starting to experience the cum waves.

Three bills at least

a lady never tells

im going with 36 years old