easily manipulated and taken out of context often

1  2018-12-06 by GayAdmanDonDraper


Today is the day she learns the difference between 'racist' and 'realist'.

She's definitely going to have trains run on her as soon as she gets into High School.

"But dad! He's blowing up on Soundcloud and I love him!"

This bitch is gonna have her first face tattoo by age 16.

Cum will be dripping down her chin, while she pushes Joe off, as he tries to lick it.

You meant to put “middle school.” Those people start early.

Maybe she was rooting for the wrong rugby squad

Only imagurr can be manipulated so this seems pretty legit.

Once kids find out how racist her dad is she will have to prove that she is not by sucking every nigger dropped in front of her face

14:42 AM

Not like he has work in the morning or anything.

I would be so disgusted if anyone in my family talked like this, even if you genuinely are a racists, don’t ruin your kids life because you’re a moron. What a scumbag. #joecumiahastagstoomuch