"Famous" comedian Des Bishop

1  2018-12-06 by jasim18

He is painfully unfunny but he claims to be famous in Ireland. According to him he has 6 specials, the newspapers write stories about him and he appears on Irish TV. He also claims to have been on Chinese television.

He has 206k [twitter followers](www.twitter.com/search?q=Des%20bishop&src=typed_query) but averages 2 likes per tweet.

Is there anyone here who's Irish and knows who he is or is he trying pull a fast one?


🐜h had him on CP a few years ago. He performed a man on the street bit where he would speak to Chinese people in mandarin. The twist being he's white and that would be wacky. He spoke mandarin to some Korean women who rightly didn't know what the fuck was happening.

Tangentially related, I dated a snow white girl who grew up in Panama and spoke fluent Spanish. At a party one time hosted by a Mexican friend with the majority of the attendees being Mexican. It was a weird vibe cause we were only white people there and the other guests didn't seem very inviting. Mexican girl enters room where we are and says in Spanish "they're still here?" GF looks at her without missing a beat and replies in Spanish "yes we are still here" the girl was so embarrassed.

Seems awkward, you stay or leave after that?

It has been a few years, I think stayed a bit and then left.

Those white Panamanians can be deceiving. Most were Army brats, but those were older in age before we gave back the Canal to them. Now, they're most ex-pats that hung out after the bases closed. Either way, those Panamanian women are some high maintenance hot trim if you can get it.

The only Desmond Bishop I have ever heard of was a football player.

I watch a bit of those British comedy panel shows from time to time and he's often on those. That's the only place I've ever seen him from though.

i'm irish and i remember seeing him on irish televison a lot when i was a kid

his gimmick was that he'd learn a language he doesn't know very quickly and then do stand up in that language as part of a tv show usually

he started with irish obviously because he's an ethnically irish american and there was an audience here for it

he was never terribly funny but he was likable which was/is very unusual for any american who comes to ireland for whatever reason so he did well here

haven't heard much about him in years but i do remember him on tranth's show a while ago and he was funnier than the vast majority of guests they were having on at the time

He was fairly well known in the 2005-2010. Did a few tv series. Done one where he tried live on minimum wage. Would have been better known for that sort of stuff than his actual stand up

He was on Ants show a couple of times, seems likeable enough.

He was on an episode where Gavin was the guest host and they kinda got into a fight, something about asians if i remember correctly.