REMINDER: Opie was fired from Sirius XM because he tried to give Rolan a colonoscopy

1  2018-12-06 by Dachosen17

that traitorous piece of shit Rolan hadn't gotten a colonoscopy in 20 years, brother man was only trying to help.



Nice dyslexia, stupid.

I'll leave this up as a memorandum of my failures

It’s Roland brotherman.

Take the d out of your mouth and put it on the end of Roland's name, you illiterate cunt

there was also a separate video of roland's brother rolan


You need a colonoscopy with a cactus.

(Honest mistake, we all make em')

and whatever happened to that video or photos?

if theres no photo or video and you no longer work there, wouldnt you put it on blast?

essentially opieradio was checking out his dick at age 50

Keep Rolan rolan Rolan

youre a faggot with cancer in your near future

He was framed.