Rocky Dennis Headed Faggot

1  2018-12-06 by crookedmile

  1. '' Word salad ''
  2. '' Talk fast ,so people don't have time to analyse your statements
  3. ''Complicated words describing simple ideas ''
  4. What is he ? He can't act , sing, dance ,do comedy , he does not have any academical credentials ... WHY is he known ?

He’s so dreamy lol

Because the British are faggots.

Why the hell did you remind me of this guy? His dumb style and voice irritates the hell put of me. To top it off; he can't write, act, or perform comedy. Add another one to the list of Brits that suck.

This faggots voice has prevented me from giving him any chance. He could be the funniest fuck alive and I wouldn’t know.

He's not, I assure you

Take away the beard and he looks like a pedo. Also he’s a faggot and is overdue for an ISIS encounter on the London Tube.

To give him credit he got to eat Katy Perry’s box before she became a feminist cunt.

She ate his too

So Jelly.

Not fart. The fishy box he covets dearly betwixt those sickly pale hospital-offwhite chicken thighs.

Commie limey twinky douche

The real cherry on top is his dick size. Google Russell brand naked protest.

He has a literal micro penis

This motherfucker posts pics of himself with his own quotes on Twitter. He cannot be more pretentious if he tried.