Bout to get on dat there reddit and post up some BEEFERS buddy

1  2018-12-06 by ichise7


i sincerely hope you all get pancreatic cancer

What was your old alt again? The one you were completely humiliated on.

/u/ichise-san. i got banned because the mods are fat worthless thin-skinned pedophiles, and so are you.

look at this shit LOL

this sub is fucking garbage. also, get cancer you fat faggot

Nah the one before that, fuck me i can remember. Haha you hate the sub you got banned from so you make another account, and youre calling me a faggot? Sad.

ive never had another account other than that one. hey fat boomer retard, it takes 10 seconds to create an account. how fucking old are you? sad!

die of aids cancer you fat cunt

You are such a retard. Im in my late 20s, hardly a boomer. That still doesnt explain why youd resub to something you hate, where you are hated. Unless youre a mentally ill faggot...yeah thats it. Aids cancer? Tryhard weeb.

where you are hated

i didnt know you spoke for the sub you fucking dork, do you have community meetings? ccred, a former mod, told me fat faggot toolman and spaceedge are trying to "build a community" for pristine conversation. LOL get the fuck out of here

look at this shit "sure, bust balls, but dont get too carried away folks! otherwise you get banned" this place is moderated by holes and is full of unfunny garbage

i like posting here because its fun to shit on things, that includes fat faggots like you. this place used to be great, now its just fun to shit on

nice try wit da hate tho

Blabber from an unlikeable retard. You think youre not widely regarded as an exceptional cunt even here? I actually get the posting here to shit on things bit, fair enough.

widely regarded as an exceptional cunt

i wouldnt know, i dont pay attention to anyones username like some hen. i come here to wish cancer on unfunny opie ballwashers, hens, and fat virgins posting beefers.

"unlikeable" shut up you fucking woman, "sTaHPP mAKINg fUN oF oPiE". jesus what a fruit

Dude im just talking about how constantly i see your comments hidden at the bottom of the page due to downvotes, i have to click to see it. You can see how that supports my claim, right?

at the moment? sure, but thats because this sub has become essentially a triumvirate of fucking faggotry and im choosing to shit on it and anyone who supports it.

opie ballwashing, bEeFFURSS posts, and mods that ban people for jokes

god forbid i shit on those things, fucking yuck.

Its not that you shit on them, its that you come across like a grumpy humourless cunt. Maybe the sub passed you by.

"grumpy" hey shithead, these fat nigger mods are banning people for jokes because theyre trying to "build a community". just leapfrog off a skyscraper you bandwagoning cunt

Case in point. Are you fun in the real world?

oh im a cornucopia of merriment. by the way stupid, im not actually angry i just really enjoy shitting on things. in fact im in a state of serenity. i do genuinely wish cancer on the mods and opie ballwashers though, not out of anger but out of joy. have you seen my opie drawings by the way? theyre actually very good.

Either way, in a sea of disfunctional cunts you sink to the bottom. Nah havent seen that link me.


theyre masterworks, and youre a fat nigger faggot cunt

nice try wit da hate tho

One note dullard.

Awe, Baby Boy... What's the matter? Are people posting big heavy tits on a dead radio show's message board, and it's making you mad???

Not sure what gets him more upset.

Beefers or faux Opie love.

Really winds him up

fact: youre a fat faggot

also a fact: you and everyone you know will get cancer

Hey its this lame bit again.

Lady trucker?

This guy hasn’t seen his own dick in twenty years.

Nice ProStar

/u/ichise-san. i got banned because the mods are fat worthless thin-skinned pedophiles, and so are you.

look at this shit LOL

this sub is fucking garbage. also, get cancer you fat faggot