I really hate Joe Cumia...

1  2018-12-05 by TangerineReam

...about as much as I hate Opie. Actually; I hate Joe MORE than I hate Opie these days.

I wanna be one of the guys that Joe complains about; I WANT him to lose everything - EVERYTHING - during the sub's next troll on him. I don't want to be able to recover. I want him to go down in flames in the worst way (legally).

Look: We know we're all valueless slobs. We get that, because we participate on this sub everyday. But Joe honestly thinks he's a boon to his family and society at large, as if his contributions are significant enough to have some value, at the very least over us. He desperately needs a (legal) event that sends him crashing down to reality, with everything he's "built" breaking down around him along the way.


Just so the rest of you don't have to waste your time reading this gay shit: Nothing of value here.

I hate Jim much more.

As you should.

If it wasn't for Joe's stupidity to fill in the dry spells between Anthony's legal problems and piss poor decisions on his network this sub would have died long ago

That may be so, but I'd rather Joe die and the sub along with it, instead of him living another day. It's my hope that Ant and Joe both die of old age and irrelevance in the first quarter of 2019.

That's a shame, he thinks very highly of you Mr TangerineReam.

Your not allowed to hate the Gift.