New Porsalin Documentary

1  2018-12-05 by Poor_Salin


Wow that faggot hopped over to the Red Bar community to make content for them?

That's gayer than being british.

I had to get his approval for clips of his I was using and said it was cool to play it

I was using some redbar clips and needed his approval

Not trying to be a dick, but do you, or have you sought permission from Joe for his clips that you use?

Also, can you repost the drawings or animation you made making fun of Feb guy who's mother made the news? I missed that, and feel left out.

Where's 100% Italian, fag?

i keep forgetting if its you or illlamist, but he should do a docu on your dead brother imo

No dead brothers here, brother.

He reached out to you pors.. I saw it on his nana Cumia book signing stream.. he said "there's a home for you with redbar" "redbar will take you in" Maybe stop being so shifty and you'll not get so much shit when it blows up in your face..

That's nice of him to say that.

If Red Bar was an ice cream flavor it would taste like used band aids & hair.

He’s been making it for redbar people the whole time. Are you a retard?

Your username is literally named after Mike Redbars dog. You might as well do your friends and family a favor and off yourself now.

That's probably Mike!

That was a good rogan impression


What about the job in London that was going to be occupying most of his time?

Start in Jan

start in jan.

When will you debut the new documentary? Also, why did you delete your old account, just to return with this new one?

It'll probably be this weekend or early next week.

The doc is a lock for 10PM this Saturday. Spread the news.

u/porzalin, I'm a big supporter of yours, even after all the drama.

My question to you is: Is the Amy Schumer documentary still underway? If you recall; she talked to this place directly on her actual instagram page. Can't remember what she said, but she's obviously asking for it. Is it still on the docket? If not that; anything about Bonnie Macfarlane on the horizon?

Thanks again!

I'd like to keep doing them but I get that plenty of people ain't interested in these now.

A really good, succinct, cogent Amy Schumer doc would turn people on here around.

I really liked your first Joe one, and the worm has turned. The Sam one was slightly lackluster, and the dicksucking on the MDE one was infuriating.

But more than anything else, your outing as a self promoting, hypocritical weirdo and subsequent shame-quitting is fascinating. Hopefully we can get to a point when you can clue us in on the panic attack you had over 3 days. Now that's a documentary!

the Sam one was most likely to impact the mental health of its target, so one of the best

I’m interested dude. But first can you crank call Sam Hyde and make fun of him for Chaarls breaking up with him.

Im pretty sure everyone would watch that dude.

the only way to make a triumphant return to this sub is to do the Opie documentary you planned on doing.


Also: Everyone here used to hate Opie, and now he's a god around these parts.

Clearly, this sub has NO ethics. It's just full of insane, damaged people, looking to spread as much destruction as possible in the lives of very specific people. So putting out a Schumer doc would put you right back in good graces, simply because of the documentary itself.

I think we catered to a certain group of people that were just.. they had nothing else. I mean the show was everything to them. They knew every line, every bit. And when the show broke up, they felt like the children of divorce. And they lashed out. I absolutely believe that. And I don't think a lot of them, of that small minority, just don't have the capacity to act in a civil society. That this is what they do. That they're I think disturbed, in a way, and they lash out like this by being horrible to people they have no idea who they are, who are doing things in their lives. I found out who some of them are, whether through my own little investigations or other people telling me this is who this is. And every single case that where I found who they are, they are just disasters as far as their lives go. Drug addicts, criminals, problems with abuse and their kids, no jobs, they're all broke, and they're angry, angry people. And when the show broke up, they spun it around and took it out on Opie and myself and Jimmy because mommy and daddy weren't there anymore for them.

For what it's worth, I've always stuck by your side and will watch whatever you put out. I knew nothing about MDE before your controversial Sam Hyde documentary and thought it was pretty funny.


Keep up the good work. My humble suggestion is to make a small Christmas special interviewing Sleeves.

Everyone was interested in them. Shit we loved them

You got flack because Sam's doc didn't seem to have the same sting as the others. You didn't hammer home the pathetic nature that actually drives him. It was alluded to but lacked the dagger to his weak little heart

But that's okay. They won't all be home runs.

People got pissy about the MDE doc because you stroked their dick for an hour. I didn't care, I saw it as a passion project and I have no business demanding you only do things I want. Kudos to you for doing what you like.

We didn't even care that you had alt accounts to suck your own dick. You could have made a post, "yeah, sorry I'm a faggot." And we would have laughed about it and busted your balls.

It sucks you got doxxed and assholes were harassing you. Nobody here supported that shit. It would have blown over after a while.

Instead you deleted everything. The equivalent of taking your ball and going home. Everyone who is praised here eventually gets smacked down. Don't hold our opinion hold you back from making some funny shit.

Anyways, good luck at your stupid job. I hope you become successful and it leaves you feeling hollow.

Again I was gonna stick around and take my deserved beatings but I admit I panicked a little when my brother got spammed here and was getting messages. Just made me a little uncomfortable so rather than go through everything painstakingly to see what else people were going to dig up, I just started again.

Most of us don’t give a shit about that gay drama. Just make funny stuff and don’t be a faggot. Even though you get a bit of shit on here, a lot of people enjoyed and appreciated your work even if they didn’t say so.

Stop talking to him like he's a celebrity.

Fuck it, they can do that all day long if they'd like. The treatment post-faggotry will always bring this British diva back down to earth.

Answer the mans second question, sir!

So I pretty much deleted everything and left the minute people were spamming my brother around and leaving comments on his stuff. The whole thing's my fault of course but that just made me a little uncomfortable.

Thats understandable, has it happened since you made a new account?

Scroll down

Ooh thats not good.

Its whatever at this point. Cats out of the bag and all that.

Is your brother also you?

Adam Daly alleged rapist

So is rape a crime now?


I want him to come back, he is talented... but more Redbar asskissing? I know the sub was mean, but this is an obvious jab to this place.

It's like someone holding a gun to my mother's head while mocking me... Yes, I want my mother to be shot in the head. But you're mocking me, so I might need to fuck you up. I'm torn.


Heres mine: upvoting or downvoting your comment.

Nice free will, stupid

can I get an honest answer on something:

I saw the over top weirdness from those few guys who doxxed you etc, & we've all ragequit once or twice... but did you try to break the sub / get it shut down?

(don't lie, 'cus I'll know!)

Of course not. I sent the message but it was in jest humouring Frunkis. Like 'it would be funny if'.


Things went weird for a week with all that NSFW stuff.

Porsalin is obviously pandering and stupid mike bought into it. Porsalin is desperately trying to latch onto a new community to mine for his ego.

I've been watching Redbar for years

Does he really do epic Bill Burr style rants?


You liked Anthony Cumia. You liked chip chipperson. Anyone who liked this radio zoo has zero right to call anyone a faggot. You sir, are the faggot.

He’s been doing this for redbar the entire time, you faggots latched on

Porsalin's great. I love his work. Wow, his documentaries are really good. Porsalin rocks. Porsalin is really cool I think we should give Porsalin another chance. This is not a Porsalin alt account.

I have all of your brothers videos saved and Im sending them to everyone you know

So you're going to tell everyone he knows that he has a really cool brother? Big deal.

Faggot obsessed over Internet nobody while raising another man's son. Cuck.

What a queer.

Redbar is gay, but I'm glad to see Porsalin is back at it.

u/porzalin - please please please hit us with that Amy Schumer doc next.

So whats going to be the next Doc who is he going to do now???? 💕👧🏼


Glad you’re back at it, chap.

rootin for this nigga

Why did you have to ruin it with a second one? It better be damn good because otherwise this whole return was gay and unnecessary.

The time line for this one is pretty good. And Joe did ask for this.

Exactly leave the fuckin loser alone it was better when he thought he was relevant

The time line for this one

I'm a fan of a doco with a good arc. I think this is a good move, the Schumer one was maybe too highly anticipated, heading straight for an anticlimax.

I've still got all the prep and a lot of the writing done for the schumer one as was working on it before the nonsense happened. So it would be easy to go back to. But again much depends on if people are even interested in me doing gay videos like this anymore. I'd understand if I get a resounding "go fuck yourself" after this one!

"I can see all of reddit stand up and furious applaud" when the Porsalin alts greatly outnumber real people

Nigga this sub is salivating at the thought of new 100% Italian

who cares. make the opie documentary or fuck off faggot

Red from the Tube bar,is funnier.

"Why anybody would manufacture personalities for the sole purpose of granting themselves praise is a mystery even to me"


Nigga this sub is salivating at the thought of new 100% Italian