Does anyone else notice how Anthony's personality completely changed since his firing?

1  2018-12-05 by LOSfan

I'm listening to old episodes and besides the race rants Anthony was always subdued and would say funny lines confidently.

His voice sounded sort of like Stern and his whole delivery was smooth as hell

Ever since he started doing his own show every word out of his mouth sounds like he's screaming frantically and he's just yelling the whole time.


You're the first to notice, I'm sure of it.

I'm sure someone else has too

Ant changed around the time of the Trayvon Martin thing.

Every day was a race rant, or a gun rant that turned into a race rant.

Yeah he is right sometimes, but when you drone on and on and fucking on about it every day for an hour every fucking day. It gets old.

Opie would just sigh and play candy crush in the mic.

A later fight confirmed that management was getting tired of the racial shit all the time.

That was after Patrice died, right? It’s almost like the prospect of sitting in a room next to a 350lbs black guy kept Ant in check before then.

racial shit

don't you have an antifa rally to be at, faggot?

Shouldn't you be posting on Anthonys show subreddit? He needs your help over there, it is as if no one wants to hear his shit!

No I shouldn't be since I don't post there, and I'm more interested in calling out you thinly veiled liberal faggots over here. You really are mad about Ant's politics.

No one posts there. It's like No one listens to his show

The people who do listen aren't faggot redditors, that's for sure.

Well yea, bobo and big a are too retarded to use reddit, and the rest aren't allowed to use computers as per their child grooming conviction

Yeah but only 9 people do listen so thats an unfair statement

Yeah because if there's one thing this sub is known for, its being liberal. Fucking moron.

Yes, it certainly is known for that, with all the reporting it does on social media accounts for hate speech, and all the energy spent trying to ruin the lives of people from the show due to their "racism". Fucking faggot.

WHich cumia are you tho

Shut up faggot. Blocked.


Get a job joe.

That's the bit

I agree 90 percent with his politics. I post on T_D.

Well, it's obvious that Opie used to feed him funny lines. Without our beloved brotherman Ant is nothing.

Since day 1 of the launch of CP media he looks like there's a man with a gun off camera holding him hostage as he does his dumb show. Just a frazzled nincompoop with no confidence in what he is doing.

Also the audio equipment at CP media is garbage so there will never be that "golden voice" quality.

Obama President NAHHHHH

It really brought out his inner black man. And thusly the self loathing began.

Frazzled nincompoop got a niggas ribs hurtin

He definitely changed with Obama’s election, but maybe even more so with Obama’s re-election, followed up by the Trayvon Martin debacle.

He took his emotions out on Obama, and the election coincided with his breakdown, but his mom went into the home on February 2013.

Ant was fired on July 2014. And his firing should be looked at through the lens of a small man who can't deal with his impending mortality.

It's easier to be angry at the blacks than God. Or your own shit father.

I think it had a lot to do with him being unable to separate his work life from his home. He could literally jerk off in his room and then broadcast to tens of people minutes later. That shit isn’t healthy you need to create that work/home boundary

He's getting old and has suffered embarrassing failure after failure

not to mention the poppers and weird sex

It's easier to be a second banana than be The Guy. Anthony could wander into the studio five minutes past the top of the hour and be plopped into the machine. Running the show is too much work for him hence why he always seems rattled and the shows suck dick. No one is there to provide a framework.

sounds like someone needs to steer the ship

This. Ant's a career second banana, he can't host his own show as he simply lacks the ability and the personality to do it right.

Bananas are grown in 135 countries, primarily for their fruit, and to a lesser extent to make fiber, banana wine, and banana beer and as ornamental plants.

I'm a Bot bleep bloop |  Unsubscribe | 🍌

Bananabotfact: People who code bananafact bots are able to fit an average of 4 bananas in their rectum without preparation due to the permanent anal dilation they experience from the never ending stream of niggercock that they're constantly servicing.

What a cute little bot. Puts a smile on my face.

No, it revealed it. His Live from the Compound show was just like his show is now. Opie was just good at keeping him under control. He always resented that.

Ant just has a face that was never meant to be seen on camera. I've never seen someone less comfortable in their own (albeit horrible) skin. He and Sam are both so dumb that they view themselves as "broadcasters." No famous broadcaster has ever been very funny, and they are usually knowledgeable about politics, current events or sports. The only "sport" Sam follows is greased up men play fighting. Anthony has a 1-9-1 record fighting actual women, and he had to bite a girl to get his lone victory. Sam will never be funny. Anthony got lost.

He made a pretty conscious pivot from "man baby with toys" to "traditional values, alt lite boomer mans man." Ant never portrayed himself as being manly or supporting traditional values. My guess is it's written on the back of those info wars checks since alex jones is obviously a closet case.

Around that same time he realized Roe got CTE after Joe Sr hit her up with a two piece.

Roe vs. Spade

I feel like because he's on camera now, he has to over-sell everything. He hosts it like it's The Tonight Show instead of just being conversational like he used to.

He comes off like Kramer when he found the Merv Griffin set in the dumpster and set it up in his apartment.

Jerry would be equally perplexed at compound media. Who are you talking to?

Even worse was him going from hating the callers on O&A, to his loving of callers and fans when his shitty show started.

He hated the O&A phone callers, because he had a little racist incels group on Paltalk.

And women of lower stock flashing their buhbs.

The callers to CP Media are his direct supporters though, the callers on O&A were less invested in the show. It wasn't a big deal to hurt their feelings and piss off a caller, but now it would directly impact his vibrating egg budget.

His voice is always hoarse now, and he's always using such pressured speech.

Losing a job is the number one most stressful thing for a man. Just look at it from his perspective: he is going to lose everything within two years and there is nothing he can do about it. That results in a higher secretion of estrogen and a lower secretion of testosterone. Losing a job will cause most men to turn into a host of The View.

Ant gargles tranny semen.

that's because CM is HIS show, no management... no bosses... we're seeing the real anthony cumia sorry if that eyfffends you!

Ant was way more comfortable on O&A because nothing was expected from him except be funny ocassionally.

Now he has to run a show. And he isn't doing it well.

One of the most noticeable things is how awkward he is.

Old anthony used to have a way with words and coming up with new words while on the same topic to not sound as repetitive, he was also the one who could relate with anyone to keep an interview going when Opie or Jim had nothing to say.

Now its weird , from what ive seen, how he constantly can not think of new ways to put things, is seemingly always struggling for something to say, and it just seems like he has a huge mental block from thinking of a funny thing to say. Ive always chalked it up to the major regret and denial that must kill him every day over the self-inflicted loss of his career

It's the camera and the fact that he's running the network now. His whole personality *had to * change up, he's in an entirely different position and vibe now.

He needs to be raped by a pack of comedians.
