Anthony’s mind is so gone that he couldn’t even remember any stories worth telling for his book.

1  2018-12-05 by lolercakesmcgee

Nice alcoholism, stupid.


I think he just told his writers to go listen to old O&A shows so he wouldn't have to put down his bud light

Exactly could have been transcripts from the show. Same old stories retold how many times on the show alone

It worked for Howard Stern 25 years ago.

Problem is that even Howard would have a tough time selling a book now.

We'll get to see how true that is - rumor is he is releasing a new book soon.

Yeah, but how many writers does HE have?!

I was listening to Jackie on Gilbert's podcast and Gilbert brought up the fact that while Howard was arguing with Jackie, Jackie would be feeding Howard insults to direct at Jackie.

Jackie was literally 100% of the conversation on that show at times.