Joe must've been worried about losing his Facebook account, retroactively edited old posts

1  2018-12-04 by crookedmile


Maybe he was inspired by this thread

I wish how would get set on fire.

I disagree. I hope he lives for many years to come strictly for our own entertainment.

My thoughts exactly. Joe is the best. Nobody provides us with more funny content.

The ones he made on testing positive for aids doesn't get posted enough in the cycle here

Can you imagine the fall out when "Layla Cumia" finds out her father tested positive for AIDS? WOW... So, so tragic.

"...for the purpose of weighing said case."

Nice budget syntax, fruit.

You're like a black girlfriend.

You're a jackass if you set an item on a conveyor belt and come to the conclusion that, in no way, the conveyor function is going to be used. Even if it was also a scale, as he assumed, once the item was ready to ship, the conveyor would obviously be used to take the item away. Those who are insecure about their lack of intelligence typically feel better by saying how dumb everyone else is.

Nice explanation, stupid.

Another mundane stupid routine interaction that Joe manages to inflate into a cultural awareness teaching moment. Retard Joe sees the decline and fall of society literally everywhere he goes and can't wait to hit social media to tell everyone all about it.

Joe has never worked an honest job in his life. I don't think he understands that people have slip ups.

His slip up is child spit, jenkem, and big apple ranch follies

And rape.

He's equally at fault, if not more so, because of retardedly setting the case wheels-down. Obviously it won't move on the conveyor and it weighs the same amount no matter which way the wheels are pointing.


Um, your honor, imagur is a website that can be easily manipulated. Here, take a look at these, these are live links...

Bro Joe commenting on the workplace.

This was totally his fault. What kind of retard puts it down like that in the first place.

Joe changed "call a spade a spade" into "call it the way it is" AND "My fucking God." into "Oh, Good God...". "Sigh...gotta' pre-appease the libtards before this gets me in trouble." But then he adds a little something for himself by inserting an emoji after the FedEx employee's STUPID comment to a man who could easily do all their jobs if he chose to work.

Joe is so fucking stupid if he thinks a conveyor belt can also be a scale. I really hope Layla gets double teamed nightly by giant cocked black men.

the phrase "let's call a spade a spade" has no racial connotations