Female Heckler DESTROYS Louie.

1  2018-12-04 by EncinoEscobar


In the thread:

”I would love to think that after his track record he is heckled relentlessly.”

”His access to a platform may not be in our control. But we all have authority over our response to people who abuse power.”

Politely asking some bitches if it’s alright to whip your dick out is now an “abuse of power”.

They all seem to think he didn't ask these bitches first.

A few of them had that fact pointed out to them and just said "yeah I know but it was just a joke."

Which is a good enough excuse, but not coming from these idiots. If you make any kind of a racist joke, or say that someone claiming to be #metoo'd is unfuckable, or something like that, "it was a joke" would never satisfy them, but saying that Louis didn't ask for consent is much more harmful to the subject of the joke than either of the examples I gave.

Of course you should be able to say "I was only jokin'" but then you have to let other people use that excuse, too.

Not to mention it happened before anyone even knew who he was. At that point the most notable thing he did was direct pootie tang I'm pretty sure. Rebecca Corry even admits that she was his equal here: https://twitter.com/therebeccacorry/status/1054471083967959040?lang=en

"Yes he asked for consent and there was no power dynamic but it was still harassment and it ruined my career"

Jesus fuck what a whiny cunt

Woman are strong, powerful and brave.

Avi is her with her cat. Third picture on her timeline is her and her cat. She may have actually wanted Louie to pull his dick out because she's never seen one in person.

Man hating dykes.

Wouldve been awesome if he pulled it out and started jacking off while staring her right in the eyes.

Admire my one inch shaft

he'd technically have consent

That's what's so stupid about this. She should have taken her pussy out and jerking off if she wanted to make a point. Then maybe she could realize no one is traumatized by that.

You're not real familiar with pussies are ya

I heard about them

Women stink.

And I don't like em.

I blame the rset lf the audience for mot following Klaire's bravery and consenting to Louis' mesmerizing mime #2018FFS


Preliminary research tells me she’s a fatso and possibly a juggalo

A fatty AND a devil worshipper. Nice

They rolled her out the door of the comedy cellar. Tubby cunt.


You're redundant

She cute

Definitely enough to receive an unsolicited bj in the morning I'll tell you what.

That means 3rd date anal.

You are not loying

Try first

I've done worse

I don't doubt that you dirty little monkey.

Would still have sex with. I am a disgusting person.

We all are

I'd still hit it.

I’d still lick her dirty shitter

I’d fuck the shit out of her even though I know I’d get a lecture about it afterwards.

Look at the bullfrog arms on that bitch.

holy shit, they are bigger than her legs and its fat

She'll eat Monopoly and shit out Connect 4.

That’s how I imagine Big Jay’s daughter will turn out

Of course she posts locker-room selfies. It's like how Lena Dunham conveniently gets seen jogging when she obviously just circled the block in workout clothes. What's the fitness equivalent of stolen valor?

I hate everyone advocating heckling in that post

“If they’re allowed to do “crowd work” we should be able to blah blah blah as long as it’s funny blah blah”

Fucking queefs

Blue checkmarks should all get the rope.

So we will have to leave Nana alone?

I guarantee he wasn't funny enough to invite her to the green room.

I hate bitches with fucking septum piercings so much. They should be made illegal.

I nibble on them

just reminds me that they are equivalent to cattle https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8007/7335780594_7e5f7b2af1_b.jpg

Thanks for the link without we would have no idea what you are talking about

Fat bitches love those, and lip piercings.

Anything to draw attention from their disaster of a body.

They look like snot to me.

No way. They're great for signalling being undesirable.

This cunt is asking for Planned Parenthood donations in her replies. The over $1.5 Billion (https://www.reddit.com/r/opieandanthony/comments/7hkk5o/so_this_subs_new_fan_fiction_is_jim_is_going_out/dqrtjlk/) U.S. taxpayers have been forced to give them isn't enough? Fucking moron.

Hey, those doomed unfit babies aren’t going abort themselves...

The cosmetic industry needs those stemcells, people!

“Wake up white people”


PP is the one public service i support, because it kills poor babies.

Disproportionately colored babies too, it's the colored population control service.

All those guys agreeing are real gender traitors. They make me like even Cumias more.

Because the Cumias don't deign to have sex with women, nevermind respect them? I suppose that might be the one point in their favor.

Twitter is a complete cesspit. An echo chamber for fat cunts with shitty agendas.

And narcissistic comedians/celebs/political douchebags.

Thank goodness Reddit isn't like that.

Clearly this red Bliss potato is not familiar with Louie CK's little Crimson acorn.

Fuck Louie, these are the left wing faggots he identified with and pandered to. He wants to crawl back to comedy after his arthouse film career bombed.

He can never be forgiven for that horseshit show he did at the bar where everything is overacted.

that show was a total snooze fest

You're in the wrong place if you think we wont accept Louos CK with open arms. It doesnt matter how much he panders to the left wing faggots. This subreddit loves him because shit from a decade ago

I'm a left wing faggot and I don't give a fuck what comedians think about social or political issues as long as they're funny. Holy shit is this sub a bunch of cry baby bitches. Whining because the commedian said something that hurt their feelings.

Bitch is annoying in public

stop da presses!

I’d fuck this bitch. Thoroughly.

After reading her timeline, I think we got a real comedian on our hands people!

I'm sure she'll be fine with guys shouting 'get your tits out'

"all the white guys at my gym either dress like the rock or the unibomber" (old post of hers)

that's actually pretty funny haha

That’s racist

No it isn't

i laughed, and that's something you can't take away from me.

Lucky Charms are a terrible cereal.

Twitter is for faggots

Nice sexual harassment, stupid.

Comedy in NY is so much harder than anywhere else. The fucking SJW's there are ruthless and relentless. They just seem to have so much more time on their hands to commit to being offended and making sure no one steps outside their comfort boundaries. I don't know how anyone does it. The blacklist for the Creek & Cave is as long as a torah scroll.

If it's that bad how do they let LOS do shows?

Louis has often said that people are constantly trying to get them banned from the places they podcast from live like Ice House. Ant was even used as leverage and they still weren't kicked out. I think they draw enough patrons to be worth the county whinging.

Because LOS is not remotely as risky or "out there" as they keep saying it is

Theyre all trust fund kids or kept women. Ergo the free time for gay shit

"why don't you take your dick out..?"

"Shut up lady, the men are talking."

This bitch needs reminding... you cannot escape the rape.

Listen to the recent Howie Mandel interview on Gilbert Gottfried’s podcast. They discuss at length how today’s culture is destroying comedy.

Retweeted by both Jake Flores and Movie Bob, they'd make a great couple!

Go bake a pie, Broad.

buried that cocksucka

Wow, twitter is a circlejerk cesspool. And I post here.

I hope a pack of dogs rape her cat.

He can never be forgiven for that horseshit show he did at the bar where everything is overacted.

You're in the wrong place if you think we wont accept Louos CK with open arms. It doesnt matter how much he panders to the left wing faggots. This subreddit loves him because shit from a decade ago

Thanks for the link without we would have no idea what you are talking about