If faced with these guys in an L.A skyscraper at Christmas, Jim "McClane" Norton would fall deeply in love and pay to be made their "prince."

1  2018-12-04 by McGowan9


Is the sequel about Jimmy getting very angry Delta won't upgrade him to business class, all the while a terrorist group has taken over the airport?

Another late take off, another serving of butterscotch pudding...how can the same shit happen to the same guy twice?

That was always my favorite part of that film. Even Bruce Willis seems pissed they made a sequel.

Is that Dio in the back left?

No, that's Huey Lewis

Goddam, I got 50 bucks bet on them assholes!

And Hans Gruber would have gotten away with it if he didn't employ the black and oriental guys

Theo did take his sweet fucking time hacking the Nakatomi security vault, now that you mention it.

You know a white guy would have done it in fraction of the time.

Terminator 2, that black guy computer nerd was bad too

What the fuck? Top right, zoom in. Is that a cosplay Batman in the window?

One of the Jap samurai statues I guess.

Surprised Worm wasn't in any of the recent ones with that faggot Kevin Smith.