Where we at With the "Exposing Joe's Dishonorable Discharge and Stolen Valor?"

1  2018-12-04 by SpaceCaseBassFace

I think I remember at least two of you suggesting you'd requested his military records, one of you may have even had proof of said request. I know you guys wouldn't lie to us, you'd tell us if you would, genuinely.


His military records came out to be genuine. He honorably retired as a 4 Michelin star general.

You can only get 3 Michelin stars you uncultured faggot.

Oh look, it's a fellow potato peeler.

Panera Bread Baker.

Thank you for your service.

How important is the yeast?

And Joe can’t contribute towards anything worthy of any Michelin stars.

It was obvious he'd been reading the sub and confessed on his Facebook his time in the service was short lived and he never flew planes, left the states, or saw any combat. Basically U.S. taxpayers paid for him to go skydiving a couple times and take up space at two different U.S. bases.


So...so....so...what you're saying is....

Joe is a big bald brother leeching faggot cowboy who likes his cocks black and soaked in child saliva. He also got the girl.

Lady di's service of going off base in Florida to eat pizza and party is as valid as his

Can you link that?

Tactical Communications System Operator and Mechanic, Level 1, Parachutist.

So he humped the radio. I thought he was a potato peeler?

He was less useful than a potato peeler.

Joe 'Pack Mule' Cumia, VETERAN OF US PEACE TIME. That radio wasn't going to carry itself around north carolina.

Thank you for your service.

Knowing the military's hurry up and wait policy, it will probably be 6 to 8 months before anyone gets anything. It'll be a nice present for the Summer time if we are still here by then

u/CrozzCat had Joe's dishonorable discharge papers and the follow-up police reports of him panning his spouse, along with the following confiscation. It's all terribly real.

They really are just dogshit human beings. Shameless and fucking evil and also embarrassing.

This user has deleted their account.

Surely someone must have these important artifacts?

I can't agree with calling it "stolen valor" as he really did serve and all, but the way he trots out his military service like it's a special members-only discount card that entitles him to a degree of respect regular citizens do not merit is really fucking annoying. I mean it's loathsome when anyone does it but when it's coming from an enormous goober like Retard Joe it's even more enraging.

You're right.

It's not like he was in a war, or even overseas. He served his country in his country. That's the equivalent of a dmv worker.

Spending a year or two training at a military base doesn’t make you a veteran in my eyes.

Joe served.

Salisbury steak every Tuesday.