Jim and Sam just accidentally played the troy cameo video and dumped it so you only heard the last line

1  2018-12-04 by Dennyislife

Oh boy.


Troy cameo vid? I heard about Chris Distefano saying feed nana, but didn’t know Troy was doing them too


Some nasty person on here paid Chris Destefino $25 to make a cameo video where they say whatever the fuck you want them to say. It made reference to his girlfriend dying and him needing to act his age.

And feed nana.

Oh! Sorry I missed it.

Did someone really get him to do that? That's glorious.


Thank you for your service

That was me! Someone give me reddit gold! And donate to my gofundme - I'm raising $60k for future Cameo videos!

Yea that was funny they dumped that rather then just laugh about it

The atmosphere in the room when they came back was perhaps slightly awkward. Troy is the alpha in that room afterall.

He certainly is. Demonstrated by the Denny mail bomb video. And yet he has to endure Jim farting on him all day.

It's not really hard to be an alpha around two soft-handed pasty faggots

Bennington played the whole thing yesterday, they were playing many and I don't think they knew right away it referenced someone they knew.

Do you think they laughed off mic?

Still surprises me when I hear someone listens

It's all that's left

silence is preferable

So find something else you jean short wearing loser.

Hello! It's all that's left

In that case, enjoy.

Truck drivers get lonely on the road

Been driving a truck for 18 years, would never listen to that shit show. It ain’t truck drivers, so much as it is faggots. The same types that used to claim that Sam was good, and now claim that Opie is.

https://youtu.be/nayCiwaQBFQ 2 hours 39 mins in for the funniest moment of the shows history

“Jim by the way, uh, is shitting.” What a scummmbag

Does Jim have fucking IBS? He misses 30 minutes every show to spew diahrrea out of his loose asshole

Fucking pussies.

Why were J&S playing Cameo stuff anyway?

Some local American sports guy ( I think) got tricked into saying stuff that is deemed anti Semitic even though its so coded nobody would know.

“Some local American sports guy”

Brett Favre, you limey fuck.

Yes some local sports guy who's never been a name outside of one country.

The one country that matters.

keep telling yourself that sweetie and you might actually believe it.

You’re welcome for everything.

you literally said that in English.

Yeah but we kicked and then saved your shitty country's ass on numerous occasions. You're on your own with the kebab though. Good luck!

Saved from WHAT?

World war one you did fuck all. World war 2 all you really achieved was to stop the russians getting further west. Seeing as how they easily fiddle with elections i'd say they won.

You lose every war without us. You are going to soon join the UK in the faded glories era and i can't wait to see how you americans cope.

Lend lease won the war.

Fuck yeah

This was completely cut from the replays

In that case, enjoy.