
1  2018-12-04 by Sharkbait212

Just wanted to thank you all for the funny posts. I like to browse this place and I’m never disappointed.


Shutup faggot, no one cares, stupid.

Take it easy partner, good manners cost nothing.

I was just giving them a warm welcome to the sub and encouraging them to stay and become part of our warm loving family.

Aww, run along you little scamp.

/r/chapotraphouse is that way, y'all

Yes we need to redpill this sub on communism. It’s not a bad deal. You don’t have to go to church anymore.

Your parents are disappointed in you.

Says the self-admitted drug addict & criminal

Lol, seriously man you would be better off dead.

Are you projecting? Because drug addicts/criminals often feel like they would be better off dead, understandably

Do you actually know each other lmfao? Lay off most of us here are addicted to something and actively commit crime. You think AA members are redpilling Joe Rogan on the Ant question?

I have been addicted to alcohol, benzos, and heroin at different points in my life, and I was a drug dealer many many years ago. I turned my life around years ago, and it wasn't easy, I won't 'lay off' because he's a criminal/addict, are you serious? I didn't expect an easy time or for people to like me when I was in hell/doing that shit. Criminals almost always have a victim complex, like this guy. He's hitting people below the belt at every opportunity, when he likely survives by stealing from his family and being a burden on society in general. Tough pill to swallow, he doesn't want to hear it but it's the truth. Don't throw stones when you are a self-admitted blight on society. That's all I got to say to this zilch.

You sound like norton dude lmao jk but honestly congrats. Some people have to hit their bottom or remove enablers. Realistically some might just be a leech to society all their life. But it’s just shitposting dood. I just thought it was funny you knew him well enough to attack him personally.

Nah, he said i'd be better off dead twice so he gets to hear the uncomfortable truth. He's a criminal and a bum, a total waste of space. He's alluded to this multiple times on here, i've used this sub for years. I work hard now and contribute to society - I actually create things and often work outdoors in the cold/rain/mud all week, like last week. I make better money than I ever did selling drugs. I don't hate/resent people who are addicts, but i'm not going to let a bum get away with a comment like that. Did you see how fast he backed down after I asked if I could borrow some of his drugs to kill myself as requested? What a weak-minded fool. He should have done another line of coke, maybe that would have got the creative juices flowing, and he probably needs another line of H to calm himself down now. What a fawkin loser sniff

Oh wow! You have a job! It must be ssoo tough.

Haha jobless person detected

Im not that big of a shitbag. I wish i was low enough to just be a piece of shit jobless bum but i could never let myself get to that point. No man should accept that as ok.

I told you that you would be better off dead and upon further review I sincerely stand by that statement. You're pathetic and I'm sick of witnessing your autistic meltdowns on this sub. You're not a character here, you're a fucking loser with nothing going on in real life. Please stop conflating my jokes with your reality and start inflating a helium balloon to kill yourself with.

Did not read

Stop conflating my jokes with your reality.

I think drug addicts & criminals like yourself are the biggest losers in the world tbh, but whatever you need to say to bolster your fragile self esteem. Do another line of coke you bum, that might make you feel better for 30 mins.

HAHA I just looked at your post history and you frequent chapofaghouse & cumtown. What a fucking 0

Lol, literally never posted on Chapo. You sincerely need a therapist dude.

Haha that was easy to bait. Enjoy your 3 day ban, stupid. You've been replying to my posts since I got you butthurt the other day. Time for a break/obscurity. Obsessive weirdo. I think the cumtown user & suicide encouraging person is probably more mentally ill than the average person, but what do I know?

If we talked the other day it was such an insignificant blip in my life that I literally do not remember. I've changed my stance, just get help dude. This is so beyond over that it's just sad and all I want to do is wish you good luck, brotherman. Please seek professional health because at this point I'm just concerned for your safety. If you ever need to just vent feel free to dm me bro.

Nice backpedaling after encouraging someone to kill themselves multiple times. You only just realized you're about to get a 3 day ban? Coward. You and that other faggot should not be encouraging suicide, and trying to act like you care about mental health now is transparent as fuck. Don't call me 'bro', 'bro'. You are just as wormy as Norton.

You really think I give a shit about a three day ban? You sound like a gay internet hall monitor. Full disclosure, I was mostly being sarcastic when I told you that I didn't want you to kill yourself but you sincerely should see a therapist, genuinely. I would tell you to do that if I cared enough about you living, seriously. Which I don't because you should fucking kill yourself with a knife right now.

Do you need help? You've gone off the rails

I truly hope you're a bit because this is pathetic on your end.

Are you okay?

As long as you keep replying to me I'm just going to keep telling you to kill yourself because I'm so afraid of you wielding your power to get me a three day ban. Okay so what you're going to need to do is borrow your mom's credit card, go to Home Depot, and purChase a pair of garden shears to disembowel yourself with. Please live stream it, I genuinely want to watch you suffer because you're that much of a faggot. Still waiting on that ban by the way.

Wow, imagine being this mentally unstable. Pitiful person.

So you're going to want to go to a river and drown yourself in it. Kill yourself faggot.

You are an unbelievably sad and deranged person, you need a therapist. I'm sure if you told one you'd constantly encouraged suicide online in a complete stranger because you can't control your emotions and your ego was hurt they'd tell you to grow up and control your emotions, in a nice(ish) way. I hope you get the help you need, you complete waste of oxygen.

Oh shit man, I gotta go to class so we can do this again never. Enjoy your debilitating mental instability. And you can have one more "kill yourself faggot" for the road. Kill yourself, faggot.

Gotta go to class? Lmao, stupid kid

Alcoholic, angry waste of oxygen. RIP your liver and everyone's opinion of you, what a stupid thing to be addicted to. Weak little boy

Yes, he's a fucking major faggot fuck. He will report you for anything. He will stalk you and go through your post history as well.

He has to be the biggest faggot ever on the sub. Every thread he's in, he's in this sort of back-n-forth with someone. He writes enormous essays because he can't compress his stupidity. He recycles insults that gets thrown at him. Everyone hates this fat faggot fuck.

So how did you enjoy your 3 day ban? Do anything interesting? Nah.

I thought you said you couldn't get banned? I bet you feel silly now. I know you spent those 3 days thinking about me babe, frustrated as hell.

I received a warning. Didn’t get banned though. Sorry faggot, you lose again.

Keep bragging about reporting people though. Doesn’t make you look like a dickless loser faggot fat fuck at all!

How did I 'lose' exactly? You got banned and cried about it on here, even making numerous posts dedicated to it, that's how massively butthurt you were and still are.

And you are still crying about it and now you've modified your language as to not get banned again.

I'd say you are the loser here, you can hardly even spell, you write like a 16 year old girl and you have the same emotional lability as one.

this is the content of 1/3 of your posts. Utterly embarrassing.

Reminder that all I did was take a gentle ribbing at you, and you responded with KILL YOURSELF ad nauseum. Talk about sensitive. You're as fragile as Nana/Worm.

Also, take a writing class, you have an IQ of about 80 and you don't express yourself very clearly.

Another novel. TLDR, faggot. Didn't I just tell you that? FAGGOT. End it.

Like for real though, go to your mom's kitchen get a steaks knife, and proceed to cut up the street. The first thing she's going to do when she sees your dead body is sigh in relief because you're a waste of a human being and nothing but a disappointment to anyone who ever made the mistake of caring about you. Kill yourself faggot.

No i'm okay

No for real. Take his advice.


Also I hit bottom for many years - nice homelessness, stupid. I think you are right in the sense that some people have to hit rock bottom before they change, I sobered up/turned around while I was homeless. This fag just sounds like an unrepentant thief/leech, probably still lives with his mom while shitting on other people over the internet; he's a bum now and he'll be a bum when he dies most likely.

Hahahha you used to be a homeless drunk! Hahahhahahahh! What a fucking LOSER! Too bad you survived.

Are you going to post on every single one of my comments, as well as tagging my name in threads i'm not posting in? Obsessed weirdo. Find someone else to stalk, I had my fun with you and you got butthurt as fuck from that ban, that was the cherry on the cake. All you are doing is having a tantrum online. Deal with it, or start spamming my inbox again with the same shit (you won't because you are scared). I'm done with you, you arn't anywhere near as funny or intelligent as I am, you type like a 16 year old girl.

You gonna keep writing novels that no one reads, faggot?

The confirmation that you were distraught over being banned and I was responsible for it fills me with joy, why did you post how butthurt you were over it? That's exactly what I wanted

The fact that you actually report people on the O&A sub for telling you to kill your useless ass says everything anyone needs to know about you. You lose you fat fuck.

Yeah cause spamming someone in allcaps KILLYOURSELF over a dozen times is totally normal behaviour. try to calm down, you don't want to lose control of your temper again baby

You're so pathetic that you're striving for obscurity.

Hahahahahah, yeah evenly tempered people write essays in replies.

I never wrote in caps either.

You are a flaming faggot. Everyone hates you. God hates you. End it.

Actually, writing out long essays is EXACTLY what you'd expect from an 'even-tempered person'. You really are stupid.

"KILL URSELF FAGGOT JUST DIE HAHAHA UR A FAGGOT" aka what you've been saying really are the words of a mentally sound person /s. You are getting reported to the admins again and I am blocking you, you are an immature edgelord and you need help. Enjoy some more days off reddit, you need it.

Wrong, faggot.

Brevity is the Soul of Wit.

Yeah so a while ago Anthony said we're all a few things which included drug addicts and criminals so I made a quip along the lines of, "to be fair to Anthony I am a drug addict and a criminal." How he knew that off the top of his head? I literally have no idea. The man you are talking to is a mentally ill psycho that no one should be engaging on any level.

Last guy to say this died of cancer

Always remember PhillipMarma.





Fuck off queer

Are you projecting? Because drug addicts/criminals often feel like they would be better off dead, understandably

Are you okay?

So you're going to want to go to a river and drown yourself in it. Kill yourself faggot.

Oh shit man, I gotta go to class so we can do this again never. Enjoy your debilitating mental instability. And you can have one more "kill yourself faggot" for the road. Kill yourself, faggot.