Hanukkah For the Rocket

1  2018-12-04 by TheRocketRosenthal

No matter what business we do here let us not forget to clelbrate our traditions. So, from the Rocket to all his Rocketeers I want to say Happy And blessed Hanukkah. Make sure that you enjoy your sufganiyot, and latkes. Spin the dreidel and get gimel. Light the menorah and bask in the warmth of your family. And, as a mitzvah, The Rocket promises no Red Glares for the entirety of this blessed holiday. Mazel tov friends. Your pal The Rocket.


What type of gay bit is this?

It's The Rocket dude...

Shut the fuck up

hitler was a disappointment

Chag Urim Sameach!

Fuck you

Doughey! Good to see you! How are you healing? Out of traction yet? Houston, you have an injured vertebrae.

This Rocket guy is a real mensch