Thanks, Joe. We were waiting for your take.

1  2018-12-04 by RBuddCumia


Joe Cumia supports the party that keeps our men and women over in that shit hole Middle East for their donors profits.

No reason there is ANY active service people in the ME in 2018. NONE.

Actually there’s active US troops in Afghanistan and Syria.

For what? "ISIS"?

Face facts, this is a for profit war at this point. Our tax dollars are rebuilding what we demolished, and there are big kick backs for those lucrative contracts over there.

On the politics side we never got over losing the Vietnam War. Murica can't be seen looking like they're losing another war.

In Syria to check the Russians and in Afghanistan to maintain stability and prop up the government

At this point we need to just go full imperialism and just take Afghanistan and occupy it or come home. There hasn't been stability there for 3000 fucking years.

Middle East foreign policy needs to be shit or get off the pot. Period. Or admit openly the big fat contracts are the reason we're there. Trust me, I work in logistics. The deals over there are HUGE.

No Cumias ever wore a cap and gown...

That kid looks like Jim Carrey crying on Jeff Daniels’ shoulder in Dumb and Dumber.

Yeah go bomb some poor sand niggers for their oil you assholes and rape some kids while you're there. Hope each of them getting their fucking legs blown off. Faggots.

Thank you for your service Joe. The fries were delicious

“There are no words for this.”

But if anyone can write something unique and insightful about it, it’s Samcro Joe.

Soldiers, sailors, Mariners, airmen, prep coiks