WHAT IS BIG LENNY? The rise, fall... and rise again of bodybuilding's biggest freak.

1  2018-12-03 by BeigeFrequency


I know it's not O&A content but a lot of you mentioned that you enjoyed my Jason Genova videos.

Thanks! Can't wait to see this

That Genova doc was pretty damn good. Dude is a delusional cupcake.

Your documentary on Genova got me into him and since then I can't stop watching Delray Misfits videos

Same here

Have you ever thought about covering the degeneracy of the youtube "skeptic" community? It would be a goldmine.

Anything is possible. They are a gold mine but most of them are genuinely insane and try to bring down the people exposing them by any means necessary.

I don't think there's really anything they can do if you don't actually move in those circles or share any info with them.

That's true. I only use discord for lack luster appearances on teffts stream. The skeptics would be a great subject for a running series like Metokur's Deviants videos.

Care to elaborate? The only one I know about is this shit involving The Amazing Atheist.

The amazing atheist thing is actually quite tame in comparison to some of this shit. There's a weird guy called Jeff Holliday who looks like he's dying of AIDS who admits to being a former transvestite, openly talks about his past gay experiences and his wife fucking other people, and brings his dildo collections and drugs around his young child on livestreams.

Kraut and Tea is a mentally ill Austrian Jew who kidnapped a British girl he tricked into coming to visit him, has a weird fetish where he talks about getting his cock split open in numerous different stories, tells everyone about his use of nipple clamps, talks about how all his girlfriends have cucked him and he's ok about it. He pretends to be an intellectual, even going as far as to use a fake accent (when his fake accent was exposed he really went over the deep end), he humiliated himself and became a huge meme by claiming trout got pregnant in one of his pseudointellectual videos against a biologist.

A Romanian man who claims to be a doctor and lawyer but spends his days livestreaming has recently been exposed as a user and funder of animated child porn as well as having other weird fetishes including being a furry and bathing in cum.

A very strange British autistic boy who literally went insane because Lauren Southern didn't respond to his DMs. This started a huge cluster fuck that caused the downfall and exposure of all these people. He is either involved in a scam or got scammed to steal $10,000 and the money has disappeared, he is on the verge of becoming a tranny and recently had his livestream interrupted by his mother who yelled at him for pissing on the floor.

The YouTube section of Kiwi Farms has so much amazing info on a huge group of these people.

Bro...too much screen time. Log off

Just realized this would be like me trying to explain this place to someone who didn't post here.

i read this as 'dildo collections about his young child', like an art project

Who is the last one? Harmful?

David Sherratt.

Don't dead name Davina

I hate how I know all of this and agree that it should all be covered

Metokur covered a lot of it on his streams that he doesn't do anymore

What makes them skeptics? They sound like your standard internet faggots.

Nice distended gut stupid

I thought the Delray Misfits were pretty funny for a bit but Brad is such a douchebag, especially on the podcast. I stopped following what they were doing because I couldn't stand looking at his stupid smug face. Lenny is the best though

Yeah, I assumed from all his arrogant condescension that he was some kind of professional body building/fitness figure or something at first. That faggot's a fucking postman.

Not even a very muscular postman.

I have no idea who this is but he is fucking grotesque.

This guy is nuts. He's basically what Beetlejuice pictures himself as.

haha I immediately thought of Beetlejuice as well

Nah, cou be

Red? L S T E R

Your Genova doc put me onto watching a bunch of classic ments compilations. I'll definitely check this out when I get the time.

I keep hearing about this guy but never found out who he is so now I've got something to watch. Thank you, big guy. Just don't try starting a patreon because you're better than that.

....last 30 seconds of the doc are going to disappoint you i guess

Why not tho? If people wanna give him money more power to him (as long as good content is provided)

The gift of laughter should always be free, friend. Beige is the only documentarian we've got left and I don't want to see him meltdown.

I’m fine with him getting money for these docs. However that British fellow was a cunt using alt accounts to beg for money.

At least Beige doesn't promote her videos with multiple alt accounts. That would be a real problem. You should really consider supporting Beige on patreon though.

Sign me up for the "Godfather" tier like Nick DiPaololo's patreon.

Damn, Nick is making 3k a month minimum


So good that it's almost worth 5$ on Patreon.

It sick it piss.

I didn’t it was possible to have abs over a gut. Or this needs an MRI.


Been following the degenerates for years but haven't looked into them lately. I'm genuinely surprised and happy that big lenny hasn't keeled over from the tranny hooker aids yet

Lenny will live to be 125.

Hey Beige... Watching now... Looks great. I'd love to see your take on Blaha, but he's been done to death.

I don't think Blaha has been done to death but he's like Shoenice. Assholes trying to make a youtube buck throw together a shitty 12-15 minute video that they spent one day researching and get hundreds of thousands of views. I'd like to do blaha but I don't want to just clean up the mess lazy youtubers have created.

But what about his recent turn that was a sharp departure from the same old shit? People addressed that too obviously only Shadow Man went into any real depth. Maybe Pat Duffy could convince mooncookie to give you an interview

But those videos are more about single events than his entire story...nobody has really made a true doc on the fake merc, a really comprehensive and in depth opera.

At the end of the day he's fitness brother Joe on roids with even more stolen valor and cuckoldry

Yo Beige when is the final part of Andy Cumia one coming out?

here for the ments not a long timening

absolutely pissening.

It was great not having to hear a whiny cunty british accent for once.

the ending was far more depressing than I was prepared for, but still very hilarious

Fuck yes! I was way more excited to see this pop up in my suggested videos list than anything O&A related. That Jason Genova documentree was fascinating and Lenny is just as fucked in the head as that kid.

It would be awesome if you become some underground DIY documentary creator who just focuses on really fucked up, psuedo-famous people who are self-destructing in real time. Like a retarded Ken Burns.

Fuckin Lenny, thanks for the doc

Could Lenny be a muscular version of Jim Norton ?
Boogers, verbal trash talk and appreciation of males with tits...

Lenny took a taser from 10 feet away and never went down. Plus he works his ass off. And most importantly he is completely unafraid to state his true opinion no matter what, in direct contrast with Middle of The Road Norton. Also Lenny doesn't seem to be much of a hypocrite or even really a bad guy in general at all. Fucked in the head, but not malignant

I swear someone here had Lenny do a cameo to Sam Roberts.

This is the strangest rabbit hole I’ve ever leaped down. So weird.

F first. This guy is dead.