1  2018-12-03 by termitetaint

Most important of all:

This is the form you have to fill in.

Complete Section A(1) and Section B(3,5) and than print it and mail it at Internal Revenue Service Stop 31313 Fresno, CA 93888 Your personal info is not required. Be sure to describe and link everything at Section B(5).

If a thot has over 200 transactions in a year OR makes 20,000 USD then she must report it.

If she's a self-run business, they can only make up to 400$ usd before needing to report it.

You do NOT need their SSN.

Do not worry about having all the information on the forum. It is not necessary. You merely need everything you can gather. Even if you have just a phone number and email, they'll follow up.


I'll just continue to ignore that she exists, if that's ok.

I like this idea but I'm too lazy to fill that shit out

Do it yourself, shitdick.

im just here to call faggots niggers

This guy gets it

You can just call the IRS dude. You would get more interest with this method

love the hall monitors here.

nice sash stupid

Why? I’d rather laugh at the morons who gave her money. Especially the ones who paid $2000 to go to Anthony’s house.

nice tumblr tactic, stupid


Don't tell me what to do, you dick.