Every fucking podcast is an extended infomercial for some other fucker's podcast

1  2018-12-03 by Ant_Sucks

Does anybody just try to be interesting for the sake of being interesting anymore?


They really have devolved to pocket, incestuous ouroboros'.

'The stuff they don't want you to know' is one that I just started listening to. They have about 200 episodes, all free, with a new interesting topic each week. They do a lot of prep and research.

sounds pretty gay to me dude

That podcast was excellent a few years ago when it was just a short like 5 or 10 minute podcast on weird shit. All of a sudden they decided to cash in and it became a truly shitty hours long ordeal with unfunny assholes trying to crack as many jokes as possible and totally lost its charm.

Sounds like Last Podcast on the Left. I like the subjects they talk about, but the continual shitty jokes is just grating. And of course the other two just howl like Richard Pryor dropped in to do a set. I had to unsub because no one ever said "that joke was fucking stupid, and the shitty impression you put on to deliver it was worse."

It's all a huge circle jerk now. With no sponsors aside from the pittance MeUndies and Mancrate pay for referrals, it becomes a link trading arrangement like the banner ad exchanges used to be

It's like a self reinforcing system as well. Probably hard to break into their mediocre unfunny clique


I hate podcasters with a passion. They're all worthless. The Gervais ones were funny back in the day, but now every hack comic/youtuber has their own shitty podcast. That H3 podcast gets 10 million hits a week (easily) and it's horrifically bad.


You don't think his love of silly beanies is funny & interesting?

Fucking hate that frog faced cunt.

I have no idea how that smug unfunny faggot ever got as popular as he did. I hated him the second I saw him. It was very satisfying watching him flounder when he tried to interview an actual comedian.

(((They))) were "funny"/entertaining when they made Youtube videos making fun of other dumb fucks on Youtube.

The problem with that format is that it takes a huge amount of creative effort and work to pump a good one and must be short, therefore only 1 ad read at most.

Also, goofy videos are somewhat beneath them, they want to be proper and have a stable audience of adults that allows them to make a living out of it. Which I understand, but you have to be really good at it ad they're not.

I'd fuck that stupid Hila whore but does she ever do anything? Everything I've heard from this duo (all their shit is marketed as the both of them) she either never says shit or gives super obvious one-word responses.

Imagine a man where his wife did all the talking but they insisted they were a team. Would never happen.

My favorite thing is when his facial expressions make him look like Michael j fox having a stroke.

Gervais is the reason I got into radio. I was always like "who the fuck listens to radio shows, I listen to podcasts!". Sure, I'm retarded but he's the reason I got into Stern, which led me to O&A, which led me to R&F, so on, and so on.

He's a preachy, unfunny faggot these days but the XFM shows and the podcasts were legendary. Not to mention The Office and Extras. He's a hack (now) but he earned it, unlike these fucking 30 something year old comics who've never done anything worth a shit EVER in their careers, like that street shitter Kumail Nanjiani or that repulsive dyke Carmen Esposito. I can't even put into words how much I loathe those two.

I heard Stephen and Karl don't even speak to him anymore. I think Ricky got his head inflated and thought he didn't need them

'Derek' was the strongest possible karmic remedy to that delusion, lmao

Yeah, I don't think they do. I heard Karl and Steve meet up on occasion though (we're such faggots).

Are you 'avin a laugh?

Colin was right. Normies are starting to get into them now too. Goddammit. How do we get 2001-2013 back? Comics suck. TV sucks. Movies suck. Twitch and YouTube stinks. The only semi decent shit out are books and manga.

TV sucks

The shitty thing is that when you finally find a great show, the fucking thing only goes 10 episodes/year. What happened to 20 - 30 - 40?

Even half hour comedies. The only 2 I like - Sunny & South Park - are capped at 10 now along with everything else. Wtf happened in 2012-2013? Those are the years those two dropped to 10.

The studio's/networks have less creative control over those shows, because they're both basically auteur productions so they are both given smaller deals because networks don't like things they aren't in control of and can only handle smaller undertakings. Whereas whatever the latest Chuck Lorre show probably gets 24 episode orders because they have a staff of over 20 twenty writers and will also do whatever they are told to do.

I didn't really know about him but I guess that explains a lot because everything wiki has him associated with blows fucking ass, except maybe Rosanne. Never was into it but it gets pretty much respect. Either way it was his first one and ended a quarter of a century ago. The rest are just a bunch of dogshit for chicks and their beta husbands they force to sit through with them, so you know they get the numbers.

Simple rule of thumb: if a show is on network, stay the happy christ away from it. Last one I watched was probably Lost, and before that it's going all the way back to X-Files. Oh and the first few seasons of The Office, before Kaling was given the opportunity to stick her cunt claws into it extra deep.

Is your business being a whiney faggot weeaboo full time?

This is the best place to be a whiny faggot on the internet.

You forgot music. Even the shit that's supposedly raaawwks is nutless faggot crap.
There's enough great old shows/books/music to keep a guy going though: The Larry Sanders Show, Mr. Show, Saxondale, Stella, George Carlin specials, Styx, Oasis, Anarchist Cookbook, The Beatles Anthology(movie not book), Nathan For You, Fear and Loathing on The Campaign Trail, The Replacements. Doug Stanhope's podcast is the only thing really I make sure I get into every week(when It's Always Sunny, Curb, South Park are going I watch those too).

Yup. All you can do is catch up on old shit. Wait for some decent content.

I am currently on to Season 3 of the Sopranos. Good stuff.


I can't help but notice you left the Andy Griffith Show off of your list?

Also Matlock, Animal Farm, The Monkees, Patsy Cline, Esther Ku, Beige documentaries, Mike Loves Rock and Roll Hall of Fame speech, Ludes(the book), Gilligans Island, Westinghouse, Laugh-in, Monk, pet rocks, Jimmy The Greek, The Zapruder film, BTO, The Three Stooges, Crelm, Ludes(the drug), apple cider vinegar, Family Circus, Spy vs. Spy, The Star Wars Christmas Specials, Sha Na Na....

Also erasable pens, and white out in case they don't erase very well

Michael Nesmith's mother invented White Out. They don't make American families like they anymore.


Where we at with the Archie Comics?

That's far out.

Definitely true of the “comic hang” or “comic interview” podcasts, they’re beyond played out.

But in other areas, like True Crime, there are some good ones. I recommend Gladiator: the Aaron Hernandez Story if you want to hear about the inner turmoil of a gay Puerto Rican all pro tight end/triple murderer.


That was a good one. Check out “Three Men in a Room,” done by the same production house.

Aaron Hernandez was set up for fighting the Washington swamp.

The cabal feared him so much, that they suicided him before releasing false accusations of homosexuality to further diminish his reputation and smear his name.

Radiolab is really good, the first three seasons at least. It's turned into a social justice sponsor since they were forced to take down the episode where they covered and understandably laughed at how 4chan was trolling Shia Lebouf. The site was flooded with faggots saying they were sponsoring the alt-right and broke their spine. It's a travesty because they even went into detail about how 4chan will show up and pour milk on themselves because milk is "white and pure like Aryans". They were laughing so hard they actually got the joke but none of their faggot listeners could take it.

Last Podcast on the Left is also good for cults and serial killers. They also can scratch that O&A itch occasionally with the darker sense of humor.

I like that one from what I’ve heard, good call. Just listened to their episodes about the West Memphis three.

I love that show. I've started to hate Ben Kissel though.

I love his idiot persona but it saddens me how much he's toned it down due to his political career.

Great podcast

One of them has the same annoying laugh as the fag from cumtown.

Case File is pretty interesting if you like podcasts about murders.

In my opinion, Case File is the best made podcast available. Their East Area Rapist series was incredible.

Dan carlin is good though

He is painfully boring and overrated

Great podcast for those long drives

14 hour drives for a podcast about how you’re gay

No you would need at least double that.

Pahaps more 'n dat.


Cumtown is the only podcast who talking about how dumb their sponsors are during their reads.

It’s also the only podcast with a funny person on it.

Yeah basically. Nick Mullen is 10000x funnier than anything ever on radio.

I wouldn’t go that far, but I’d say he’s on par with peak Ron and Fez / O&A. The Bonfire can be hilarious sometimes, too.

I would go as far as to say Ron and Fez are obscure faggots who no one will ever remember. The bonfire is a faggotfest but Dan Soder is good.

Eat my ass, nigger.

Big jeans oakerson and double glasses Ron Bennington today.

imagine downvoting this

Imagine being such a boring person that you result to two word meming on the internet instead of articulating a thought of your own

What is there to articulate? If you don't like cumtown you're a faggot who should be impaled on a spike.

cumtown hella funny

Fuck you.

Obviously you haven't heard of a little show called "Brain On The Brink."

I enjoy the Bill Burr style rants.

Hahaha that’s bad. Even worse, there’s this huge faggot “Weirdfellas” that does a podcast called “Live From the 405”. It’s atrocious. He’s an open mic comedian in LA that can’t accept he’s NEVER going to make it

Thanks for listening!

You could have written this 8 years ago and it would have been true then. And I still would not have given a shit.

None of them understand how. They just copy other podcasters bc that's what they think it is. They don't play it like talk radio, which makes it shit.

Stanhopes is great

I used to listen a lot but had to stop because it kept making me relapse on oxy contin.

Listen to stuff without constant guests.

Fuck man being a comic is hard. Free speech is so important you know if you can't have it comedy then where can you? It's about the craft man.

My audience is a lot of fans of the cast now. It's weird man. When I told dick jokes night after night nobody came out. But now that I make a 6 hour long virtual friend simulator for autistic man every week I feel like it's really becoming my audience you know.

Guys we love our fans and that's why we are glad that we have this brandnew sponsor to sell you mentally unstable dummies some scam products. That's it guys that's the show. Hey cleaning lady where you're gonna be this weekend?

boogie man's pretty decent. they don't talk about "the art,"' good background noise when you're workin on the rails. heave-ho.

if you guys like podcasts check out the joe rogan experience, he’s guy from fear factor, ufc, standup, and used to be on o&a.

Yeast radio is entertaining.

Podcasts are for fags.

This is the best place to be a whiny faggot on the internet.

Cumtown is the only podcast who talking about how dumb their sponsors are during their reads.

imagine downvoting this

Fuck you.