I can gurantee you Erock was making more money at Wal-Mart than what Ant is paying him now

1  2018-12-03 by RelevantField

The compound is going broke


He never worked at Walmart. I have to keep explaining this to you simple people... So listen close this time, because I ain't gonna repeat it!

The reddit account in question that posted integral backstage information about O&A that matched up perfectly with recorded broadcasts and social media information was posted here on this subreddit. People suggested it was Erock because the same account had been posting in The Simpsons and WWE subreddits.

Now here's where I gotta say hold on and correct you on this one, just a lil bit, brotha man. Someone here @ mentioned the reddit account, so the guy saw the threads! My point is, he immediately decided to check in at the Walmart subreddit with his fellow blue vest wearing brethren to get tips on the nuances of the Wal Family. See, this wasn't Erock after all. Because the man also immediately darted to the subreddit of a random American state and posted another vanilla thread about loving how they live there and not in New York where the real live Erock actually lives.

So, case closed. It wasn't Erock. I am pretty sure the guy on reddit would have been genuine and told us if he was lying.

So you're confirming Erock worked at Walmart?

In summary, yes

shut up. stupud

Nailed his ass

He also looked at less horrendous people there.

fawk ya