If Sam Roberts is the missing link, then how should the slope-headed Nortonoidian be classified?

1  2018-12-02 by villduhakaffe


Homo Suckcocktus

Excellent investigation.

Being born in the 60's Jim was probably a forcep baby.


It's a shame he wasn't a coathanger baby.

With a toe trigger.

we all wish the expecting mother had slipped on a puddle of AIDS well before that

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This is a unique form of worm/slug. Although it has a skull, it’s skeletal system is generally considered useless. As is it’s humor

He’s actually from the Lumbricus genus, or earthworms.

Lumbricus Vikingsheath

Too much cum in his brain has made him an adult hydrocephalus

Really, it's about extra chromosomes, not the evolutionary tree.

simply put, he's gay

Erroneous Maximus

The worm is molting


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Homo Xenomorphus

But did you factor in all the nigger cum wearing down the enamel on Jim's teeth?

he's a jew, thats where the oven hat sits

He's clearly a descendant from pachycephalosaurus.