A 60 year old man went on Joe rogan podcast and spent 20mins talking about video games

1  2018-12-02 by pta11

Fuckin embarrassment trampa thinks hes young and hip but his generation aint the gamers generation.Also his time on rogan was over 3hours because he had nowhere else to go


The “Men buy toys and video games when they have no responsibilities” conversation felt like Rogan was just patronizing Antwan.

Rogan is a guy that has had success in the entertainment industry for decades and reinvented himself as a podcaster, eventually becoming the biggest podcast ever. He has a wife and family, and goes hunting with bows and shit for fun. This is stuff normal adult men would like to do.

Meanwhile with Anthony it’s ”So you played Red Dead 2? Man that’s so cool!”

Thing is, Joe used to be a huuge Quake gamer. He had a $10,000 internet connection back in the late 90s. So he gets it, but i dont think he cares.

He was also in his 20s at the time, not approaching his twilight years in obscurity

He likes games. So what? Judgemental idiot. Also, fuck gamers in general. They are mostly consumerist pigs who get ridiculously attached to the products they buy.

Oh come on, Ant has always talked about gaming here and there. He's a geek.