They’re removing comments on Tranpas appearance? I could have sworn that Tefft Pattern had the the top comment - now it’s totally missing?

1  2018-12-02 by SheddupFaggot


Joe's show might not be a free speech network like Nana's

I got banned on his forum 5+ years ago for calling out that insane Aubrey douche and his onnit scam. So Joe isn't above it. He thinks he's doing right for his friends tho. I like Joe.

nice liking a faggot, stupid

Yeah for real, joe rogan smokes big fat cock

He's also a fucking embarrassment

Lmao holy fuck imagine Chip on Joe Rogan. That would be the most embarrassing thing ever. His audience would be confused unless they heard of the jerky boys before.

I wonder if Chip would play with his phone.

Embarrassingly, Jim puts actual effort into Chip. He doesn't stare at his phone the entire time

He spent his last Rogan appearance talking about chip (when he wasn't peaking at his phone). My gf sucked his dick one time!!!! The fans just demand him!!

I hate my autistic knowledge of the show but Jim was embarrassed to do Chip on stage at one point. Then it was ya I tried it the fans request it. Then it was I have to say at the beginning I’ll do chip at the end or they’ll just scream Chip the whole time. Then the podcast...

I think Chip is a stupid gimmick, but it's delightful that Jim has to do it to sell tickets.

I wanna see Chip upstage Joe on his own podcast sooo bad.

Removing boring, uninspired trolling? Very shocking.



must just be the trolling part they dont like since the entirety of the channel fits boring and uninspired

It was pretty funny when no one showed up for his book signing so in that way I guess it's true Ant is still hilarious.

Seriously. Whenever we post in other subs we come off as idiots.

This is why I'm glad I didn't kill myself during my youth. You hang around long enough and you begin to realise everyone is hack fraud. Both Joe and Ant are terrible Americans and only serve to make the great USA look a bit more like Europe.

This is why I'm glad I didn't kill myself during my youth

You're the only one.

That’s why I came here to make friends.

Wasn't the tefft pattern comment basically just good-natured ribbing?

Ant has laughed at the Antwan Kumya thing many times.

What did Teffts comment say?

Something to the effect of "I'm disgusted that Rogan would host convicted terrorist Antwan Al-Kumiya on his show."

Haha now i remember seeing that. Didnt realize it was Braun tho.

It was cringe when Ant mentioned Norton and then mentioned he does the Chip podcast and they have a live show coming up. You could hear the disgust in Joe's voice.

But it was funny that Ant admitted that Norton hates doing it.

That means they have to read them. No excuse to have the pedo women beater racist again.

wouldnt be much different than this sub, if that's true

Upvote if you recognize the above comment as an expression of subpar intelligence.

Anyone like when kumia talked about how women like Jimmy?

Embarrassingly, Jim puts actual effort into Chip. He doesn't stare at his phone the entire time

I think Chip is a stupid gimmick, but it's delightful that Jim has to do it to sell tickets.