What did he mean by this?

1  2018-12-02 by Single_Action_Army


I think it is from South Park. North American Man Boy Love Association.

Oh no it's a real thing

It's a real thing. There's a video of the bbboys watching a documentary about it on youtube.

Remember when AntH pretended to be outraged at that guy for wanting to fuck 14 year old boys when AntH has gone on record admitting he likes 13 year old girls (and then would later have sex with a man who looks like a 12 year old girl)

He was mad that he was taking all the good stock

sUE lIghTnINg Is oF loWeR sToCK

He really is the Walmart of trannies

I think he was mostly disgusted by the fact that he was having gay sex with children, not just mere pedophilia.

Well then he must not have discovered his homosexuality until he met Sue Lightning because he is not above having sex with men that look 12 years old.

Stern was obsessed with NAMBLA jokes in the early 90s.

You are a catastrophically stupid individual

Poor Michelle once uttered unflattering opinions about NAMBLA.

That's ripping off Louie CK's joke about how kids would be safer if child molesters were allowed to return kids instead of having to kill them.

Well this unfunny midget conveyed it like shit.

Yeah, his 'joke'

Right? Why is no one talking about this??

It was a thought a person has before they plan murder.