AIDS, SARS and O&A; My Journey Into the Dark Heart of American Acronyms

1  2018-12-02 by GregorioThomassoni

The year was 2013. Ban Ki-Moon had just announced NATO's intention to amass troops on the Ukrainian border, in the hope of repelling Russian expansion in the region. Charles Dyson had just released a new multi-vac hoover which, although hailed as peak technology at the time, was soon surpassed by Dyson's own famous Motorhead V7 model, which was released two years later. And in a grand, eighteenth century mansion on the banks of the Volga in the Austrian city of Vienna, a Hungarian-American billionaire by the name of György Schwartz was busy planning the cultural and political destabilization of the west.

It was amid this bristling tension that I first encountered the Opie & Anthony show. Having abandoned my studies and signed on at the colloquially-termed dole office, I was spending much of my time smoking poor quality dope and watching Youtube videos.

I first laid ears on the show when I searched out an interview with a director I admired at the time, regarding his then upcoming film. I was completely unfamiliar with the O&A show, and must admit that I was initially shocked, and dare I say, sickened by it.

Vague memories of jokes about the rape of retarded children, constant reference to aids (a terrible affliction), and a general tone of loutish frat-boyery is what I took away from the experience. I'd had my first taste of the yankee shock-jock scene, and it was definitely not to my taste.

However, much like when I first stuck my dick in a Motorhead V6, the initial feeling of self-disgust was soon followed by an increased curiosity. How did a show like this manage to stay on the air? The PC movement wasn't quite in full steam at the time, but I was shocked that this show wasn't the subject of constant 'offence-taking' by sensitive liberal types.

The truth is, I was still brainwashed at the time, and was labouring under the illusion that people’s ‘feelings’… mattered. But much like that first shameful encounter with my trusty multi-vac, I found myself going back to the show for more. Perhaps I sub-consciously sought inoculation by increased exposure to the O&A show’s poison. Or perhaps, like bold Androcenes, I was tempted by the lustful allure of that which in my heart I knew was wrong.

I’m sorry to interrupt your reading experience, but if you’d like any more of this content you’ll have to subscribe to my content distribution service. This has been the first chapter of an ongoing novel, tentatively titled ‘AIDS, SARS and O&A; My Journey Into the Dark Heart of American Acronyms’. Donations in BTC, BCH or ETH please.


be moar funny

Was rong wit the Akrenims we got?

yea, i'm really gonna read all this shit

Wot about XMR?