Anth's rapeface when he sees 9 year olds

1  2018-12-01 by Nuwanda84


What a ghoul.

You never seen a hot, hot 9 year old?

Where the Fuck is his chin at??

His chin retracts when he is sexually aroused and preparing to rape.

Vegetable oil with a wig on

Melting like clay looking nigga.

The microphone, headspeakers and drapes are the only thing of actual value here.

Looks like someone who would mistake Fred perry for perry Ellis on Rogan


Fucking disgusting.

That's the nicest word ever used to describe his face.

TFW opie checks his phone when the text was supposed to go to jimmy

"I've been called hot before".

Nice melting wax face, stupid.

Barf out

""Show me your rape face. Bullshit! You didn't convince me."

Now I understand why he was always laughing the hardest at Uncle Paul